Hilariously obvious website-boosting/pilot/Queue-Resets in BGB

“ours”. Yeah, you and your terminally online friends don’t like it when people casually stomp you and point out exploitation of BGB and queue syncing. Ah that’s too bad. Not my problem. I wouldn’t know. I no longer play a mode where people queue sync for 5 dollars per hour. I will be in a ranked mode where that isn’t possible, and only the occasional mind control from a priest or a really mad angry quitter afk’s.

Queue syncing doesnt happen down there at 1600 lol

Yeah that’s why you’re stuck at 1500 and “2400 on your main” right? LMAO You can stop while you’re behind. It’s embarrassing. I’ll post the video if you want?

Hrmmm. Weird. You are. That’s always been the cut off. Did you get a forum suspension at any point?

Oh? Now you’re saying I cheat as well. The last guy that did that got suspended and it looks like you want to as well.

It really is embarrassing that you have to look for excuses on why you lose at 1600, yes

To be fair, you’re a lifetime rival player with your first elite ever in blitz.

Too much whining and zero action from either of you. Thanks, goodbye. I’ll be 1,950 tomorrow, take a break, then casually hit 2.3k. Bye. Here is an informative video about how to win in RBG.


Do you need a tinfoil hat before you leave?

We really, honestly, truly take you seriously

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I have another account that I could add this expansion to, that has all the 2400 achieves so nah nice try. You saw in that post from 2020 that I could activate that account but I’m not wasting 60 dollars on something you already know. lol anyways pour me a cup of these tears again.

I have another account that I could add this expansion to, that has all the 2400 achieves so nah nice try. Everyone go find that post made by Xelonith! It was hilarious.


Here’s my account with all the 2.4k legit easily earned achieves

Duelist in the only seasons I cared to try for gear, so no not lifetime rival

There was nothing personal there. Just a video link. Your dodging is getting really sad.

I clicked on your first link to your channel and saw tidepod’s name in the description. Haven’t seen that name in forever lol.


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Duelist in unchained, longest wow season ever. Rival ever since

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Oh you misunderstood, I don’t care about your financial situation or your rating. I could care less about all your other rating, I’m only making fun of you because you have a negative win loss in blitz at 1600 right now in this season

There’s videos of him getting farmed in RBG and 3v3 he just throws rocks from a glass house. It’s funny.

omg you are eating raw salmon, nooooo lmao.

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Yeah thats what happens when you get afk healers and warriors that deal 17 million damage then start auto walking into walls, helping the other team win.

0.5/10 though for trolling.

Folks this is an embarrasing thread to read.

Maybe Q up and let it be?

Have fun.