Hilariously obvious website-boosting/pilot/Queue-Resets in BGB

30 minutes into solo BGB. So far I’ve counted 13 restarts upon Ready Check. Seems legit.



Game ended with 2 AFK’ing healers on my team in green gear and a DPS player that had 50 HKs and all algari greens and no trinket bonus. Oh yeah, and a warrior that dealt 17 million damage, then started helping the other team win by walking into walls.


Swapping Back to Solo Shuffle where Queue sync Exploits Don’t Exist.

Time to hit 2.1k brb

You went from 12-29 to 15-41. That is rough my dude.



Yes it is, and that is my point. I play 1 or 2 vs 8 actual players, and six throwers. Helping the other team. Nice try though. :-1: what happens when the game is filled with exploited trash. My other account has 2.2k in BGB on the same classes. Anyways now it’s time to get past high duelist on this Solo Shuffle mode that is much harder to cheat/exploit/manipulate.

I would have to play 500+ matches to do that in BGB where queue synching, and resetting the Ready Check with alt accounts from a website exists. It doesn’t happen in Shuffle.

I love the part where these players are always able to get on the same team and circumvent the team selection part. Those 1600 matches must be pretty sweaty to need all that effort. :yawning_face:

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It’s weird because all of the websites even have an option to boost people to 1600 in BGB or any other mode. As if it’s hard or something, but apparently for some people it’s hard enough to have brazilians with VPNs use their account credentials. Also there’s Discord calls on youtube of them co-ordinating it.

Only way to hold back big laz is to cheat


All good I’ll make sure to put it back up there properly. Just gonna take some time because being a father and doing a lot of paperwork with clients lol

I’d look for the easy lame excuses too if I couldn’t climb in blitz, basically free rating

Convenient how all these “queue sync exploiters” at 1600 are always on the team of people complaining. But when you win it’s a completely legitimate, hard fought battle that was only won because you were there

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Haha. Should we consider it cheating too when he loses quarry in the opener on pandaland? I had the pleasure of witnessing that on one of my alts the other day :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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But they assured me the other day they put up big numbers. Surely a BM hunter putting up big numbers wouldn’t be relegated to some menial task of guarding a node. Clearly someone else should have been watching it… like a healer or some other good node guarding spec.

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The one thing I noticed in the few BGB I did do that seemed to be a common theme, even at lower rating, was someone on a glad mount calling a strat, then being the only person to not do the strat they called.

Do I think they’re cheating though? nah… Just a random funny thing that happens on this game sometimes.

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He asked to sit it too :joy:

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Incoming reply “that never happened, ever” just like he doesn’t AFK out of every losing random BG before he dies :joy:

You have to admit that people refusing the queue over and over and over is a bit odd.

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For sure. There may be some shenanigans happening. There may be even some team stacking, but it would be pretty limited. Given that the team selection is random, you may or may not end up on the same team. Happens to me all the time where someone who was on my team one game is on the other team the next.

But let’s say that it is happening (though it would be very practical), your chances of being on the same team as these players is about the same. Beyond that, unless they are playing specs that can REALLLY impact the outcome of a match, like a MW or rogue, then I just don’t see it impacting most games very much. Unless you’re throwing, which makes even less sense because it would mean the person throwing is losing rating and would then have to farm more rating… to throw more? Doesn’t make sense.


I got lucky on my Paladin, won like 8 games in a row and was playing as high as 3k MMR, so if I did lose I would lose no rating. I usually stop playing after two losses and that seems to help, he is currently 2006 may push at the end of the season for 2400, fingers crossed.

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Yea unfortunately MMR is pretty jacked in blitz. If you build up your MMR higher early on and just maintain a 50/50, you could pretty easily coast to 2400. Happened on my first enhance. My second enhance lost like 5-6 in a row. All completely out of my hands. :frowning: Well, this put me in a losing death spiral I could pull out of. I was consistently 200-300+ CR above anyone else in my groups.

I have been pushing my other hunter and am currently 2500 with a 2650 mmr. That said, I’m noticing the MMR fluctuates a lot from game to game, but I’m hoping I scrape out another 100cr or more.

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Enhance hits really hard, but I hear it is a lot of buttons?