I’ve noticed that Takano in Higurashi Hou is similar to Eva(whom she shares a Voice Actor with) in Umineko in that she is a good guy assumed to be a Villain.
Furthermore Doctor Irie in Higurashi Mei which is a sequel to Hou is heavily implied to be a Villain just like Kyrie in Umineko.
Both of these characterizations are different from what they are supposed to be in the Main Timeline of Higurashi.
Furthermore Main Timeline Higurashi has Hanyuu be a Pureblood Oni not a Halfblood yet Higurashi Gou has Eua claim that Hanyuu is the source of the Hinamizawa Syndrome which disappeared with Hanyuu which is an attempt at possession by Halfblood Oni.
In Umineko Featherine is implied to turn into Hanyuu so how do we reconcile all this?
Easy: There are 2 Seas of Fragments. One for the Gou/Main Multiverse and the other for the Outbreak Multiverse.
Hanyuu(nicknamed Hanyuu as a shortened version of Featherine Augustus Aurora) from the Outbreak Multiverse kidnapped the Rika of the Main Multiverse in order to acquire the Halfblood Oni residing within her then when the Halfblood surfaced at the thought of being abandoned in the Higurashi Rei Universe and killed Rika’s mother and herself.
Rika was left in the Sea of Fragments while Hanyuu(short for Hai-Ryun Yeasomul Jedha) from the Main Multiverse broke into the Outbreak Multiverse to look for her and wound up protecting the Rika of that Multiverse until Hou upon the conclusion of which she got in communication with Tamurahime and found out about the whereabouts of her Rika and reunited with her while trying to reassure her that the events of Rei were a bad dream.
The Rika of the Outbreak verse naturally got kidnapped herself by Eua who looking for the Rika of the Main Multiverse found another Looper Rika(the One from Higurashi Hou I.E. a Halfblood Oni once watched over by Featherine) and decided to make her her Cat like how Featherine made the Halfblood Oni Bernkastel her Cat after extracting her from Rika.
She quickly got bored of her and decided to give Satoko from the Main Multiverse Looper Powers in exchange for a Suicide. Then the Satoko from the Outbreak Multiverse(is quite nasty when seen in 2 of Mei’s Timelines yet acts like Main Timeline Satoko in Hou and Outbreak itself) having been turned into a Witch/Halfblood Oni by Featherine is sent in to harass the kidnapped Rika Oni by killing her again and again.
Witch Satoko following Gou presumably came from one of the Timelines that Main Multiverse Rika was sent to following Higurashi Rei.
Furthermore Eua having been exiled from the Main Timeline Multiverse by the Scent of Featherine infused with Eua’s essence gets to watch the show set up by Featherine herself during Mei.
In Umineko the first Beatrice is the one who gave Beatrice the Endless Magic and her Piece Kumasawa gets taken out while Maria(who shares a Voice with Hanyuu) is the room. That suggests that Higurashi Gou/Sotsu(where Featherine’s Scent Hanyuu defeats Eua) is The Legend of the Golden Witch.
Featherine has as of Mei started the Turn of the Golden Witch. Furthermore as shown by Gou she has swapped her Multiverse’s Takano Miyo with Eua’s Multiverse’s Takano Miyo which means that Main Timeline Takano transplanted to Featherine’s Timeline becomes EVA Beatrice during Banquet of the Golden Witch.
So… Higurashi Gou/Sotsu is the Legend of the Golden Witch and Higurashi Mei is the Turn of the Golden Witch and will feature Une the 2nd Golden Witch Beatrice fighting Featherine I.E. the 1st Golden Witch Beatrice and bringing her old mentor down(by breaking her horn) before becoming the Final Boss as Takano takes over the role of Villain I.E. the second Golden Witch for either the next Game or Anime.
Banquet of the Golden Witch makes it clear that Kumasawa(Featherine in her full glory) is not present during that Game Board(the 6 Chosen by the Key are not part of the Show) and that Maria(representing Featherine in her Hanyuu state) is sacrificed along with her mother for the sake of the 3rd Golden Witch I.E. Takano who becomes EVA-Beatrice.
Irie while not part of the story of Mei will be part of Banquet of the Golden Witch and get disposed of by EVA-Beatrice after outliving his usefulness.
End of the Golden Witch will bring back Witch Satoko as the 4th or 5th Beatrice. No idea what piece represents Witch Satoko though and there is no clue to Une’s piece either. The only clue to Kanon and Shannon’s piece is that no Shannon means no Kanon so there is no Kanon piece in Higurashi Gou but there is one in Higurashi Mei dealt with early on.