Highmountain Tauren Weapons

I’m feeling disappointed I can’t get a proper Bow weapon for a Highmountain Tauren. I noticed that the Dark Iron and Blood Elves are rumored to get new weapons for 9.2.5. Could we get development on new weapons for Highmountain Tauren, and bring in a Skyhorn Eagle mount which we never got?

I just want to ride an Eagle and have plain wooden bow with some wobbly feathers dangling from the front like the Talonclaw weapon.

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The bow I can find from the Skyhorn Tribe is a crossbow.

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Ooh thanks for that. That could hold me over in the meantime.

Also let’s get some Totem Maces already. It doesn’t have to look exactly like the war totems, but let’s start down that path.

Finally to any other Highmountain reading this, don’t forget the Totem harnesses you can equip from the shameless shaman vendor

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I find it pretty funny that the Highmountain tauren is using an X-bow with a cocking stirrup he couldn’t hope to put his hoof in!

Looks pretty nice though.

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Agreed, we need more stuff like this

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Blizz is keeping heritage armour in their back pocket for when an xpac or patch flop again. Kinda like how they did with removing aoe cap/adding Mage Tower in Q4 last year.

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I mean heritage armor doesn’t need to be 1 and done. You could add more racial sets and items. IMO they should be added regularly.

I misread “Weapons” as “Warlocks.”

Weapons are fine and all, but Highmountain Warlocks would have me hyped!

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You’d think they’ve have given us something during Shadowlands then…

in my opinion they should have just done them all at once. It’s been years since the last heritage armor set now. :man_shrugging:

Not that I am mad at Belves and DiD getting more stuff, but like… hello Blizzard

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Yea, I’d say the examples I gave that they did use are from the same “in case of emergency, break glass” pool as heritage armour and “remove aoe cap” was just the card they happened to draw from that pool this time.

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It may not have the feathers, but they did add a nice plain bow in 9.0.

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