Highlight Warrior Ability In Wrong Stance? [Classic]

I’m not certain how to describe what I’m looking to do so I haven’t found much out there that addresses it. I just started using stance changing macros for abilities that require specific stances. They work fine but the abilities stay grey and don’t highlight until I switch stances. This is normal, but it makes it difficult to gauge whether or not to use certain abilities.

I believe there are usually two to three conditions that are required to highlight the ability showing that is is available to be used. You have to be in the correct stance, have enough rage, and the proc/trigger has to be active if it is required. I’m looking to simply ignore the stance portion of this.

Using Revenge as an example, if I’m in Defensive Stance and block/parry/dodge something the ability is highlighted so long as I have at least 5 rage. However, if I’m in Battle or Berserker it stays grey. This is also the case with Overpower, Execute, or anything else that requires rage.

#showtooltip Revenge
/cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance
/cast Revenge

This is the macro I’m using. Again, it works perfectly but is just difficult to know to use it at a glance. I don’t know if there is something that can be added to the macro or an addon that can accomplish what I’m looking for. I’m currently using Bartnder4 but it’s the same with the default UI.

I now not 100% understand what you actually want.

The normal Action Bar on the bottom switches with a Stance change, but all the other Bars don’t.

What you can do, is make a Macro for a specific button, and then make that Buttons Action _change_depending in what Stance you are in.

This will not Highlight the Button … but it would make sure the Buttons Ability matches the Stance you are in … and if you have the Rage/Procc requirement it lights up.

/cast [stance:1] Ability1
/cast [stance:2] Ability2
/cast [stance:3] Ability3

I didn’t test this, but i remember to have used something like this long time ago on my Warrior when Stance Dancing was still a thing.

You may need an addon and I think what you want would likely be Weak Auras 2. It allows for conditional/customizable messages. I don’t know for sure if it’ll get you what you want, but I recommend giving it a try.

I know exactly what you mean and i would love an answer too. Because the macro changes stances, its always castable IF you have the rage, but its greyed out regardless if you arent in the stance at the time so you cant tell if theres enough rage to actually cast it. WE NEED THE OPTION TO OVERRIDE THEY GREYING OUT OF COMMANDS BASED ON STANCE SO WE CAN SEE IF WE HAVE THE RAGE TO CAST THE MACRO!