Highland Drake superiority

I was doing that initially thinking a mob was about to run up and attack me but now I like it

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Can I transmog so my drake looks like my Ash

I like the green velocirocker…

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This is… subjective.

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I like the velocidrake (or whatever it’s called) because I got the customization that just gives it a really long, beaked snout.
It looks goofy.

If the Razzle Dazzle transformation for the Proto Drake isn’t mythic only im rocking that till end of the expac yo.


Velocidrake is S-Tier.


I didn’t make that connection, but now that I have seen it I will never be able to not see it… :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

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There’s really something for everyone with the 4 dragons we have to start out with.

Highland Drake is the more classic dragon, velocidrakes remind me of wyverns in Witcher 3 and the wylderdrakes reminds me of wyverns in WoW. Protodrake is self explanatory, gives a more primal feel.

I use a different one for each character depending on which suits them best.


I find all the dragons quite ugly or derpy, but with more spikes and black scales,my highland drake finally looks cool


Yessssss. :dracthyr_love_animated: I’m in the process of unlocking options to make mine a Skeksis dragon. :dracthyr_heart:


I think the blue one is alright. I dont like the red one because of how low its head hangs. The green one wings stance is dorky.

The yellow one has a good balance between all the things.

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I use the green one on all my characters. I have loved the MoP pterodactyl model since it was put in the game.

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Green dragon is best dragon, yellow dragon with a lot of customization is also a great boy

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Cliffside Wilderdrake is small, and thus zippier than the other big slow options. You can’t change my mind on this. Runner up is the horrendous pterodactyl because it knows it’s ugly and really leans into that.

I especially like the hooked beak snout you get through racing. Truly awful. Bravo.

The bronze drake is actually my favorite, followed by the red one. Green one is just…lol.

They better give us that rock proto Drake as a transformation at some point.

I mean, I wanted to fly on a dragon. I hate proto-drakes and always have. The Highland Drake is the only one that looks like the other drake mounts.

I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long for different colours. Going to take me forever to get renown 22 anywhere.

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Because I told them to.

But seriously I think the highland drake fills my vision of a dragon more than the other two I have.

I just wish I’d get some color unlocks. I have gotten a bunch of the others but still just default colors.

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Everyone knows which one is the best