Highland Drake: Finned Neck (help)

Going crazy trying to find the quest to receive this manuscipt. Nothing on Wowhead or Icyveins about it. if you have it, what is the quest? Thank you!


Bumping this. I’d love to get this as well


Honestly, SAME! I can’t find this one.


Still have no source for this, been bothering me a lot trying to find it.


Same. I’ve got all the other fin options unlocked for an aquatic dragon look. Just need this elusive neck. If anyone happens to discover the quest related to unlocking it I’d be very appreciative :smiley:


It’s likely this and several other missing manuscripts are rewards from the Tuskarr storytelling feature, which is currently glitched in the mined database and showing a breadcrumb quest from Valdrakken Hot Springs as a reward for every known turn-in.

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Can someone PLEASE make an addon that tracks:

*What drake manuscripts you currently have
*What ones you need (And notes where to locate them)

Like a Handynotes but for drake manuscripts?!


Could be achievement based or related to those “go do all these races” quests

This has the more detailed information:

Anyone found this quest yet by now? :o

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I want it so bad

Still not found… last one I need for Highland Drake.

According to wowhead no one has found it yet. So maybe it’s bugged/not in the game yet. I believe the next patch will have more customization.

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If you go into the drake customization window and mouse over the option with the little lock symbol it says where it drops from.

I’ve been after this without luck; I’m guessing it’ll be added with the Forbidden Reach.

As of 10.0.7, this was added to the vendor for 50 supplies with the minimum requirement of renown level 7.