Higher than normal ping. OCE to US Bgs

hello. i am currently have issues with my ping being around 330+ ms when in a BG that is US hosted. i use to get maybe 150-200 before a few days ago. is anyone able to assist me with reading the WINMTR (this was run during a BG) i have posted. i am in Sydney Australia. ISP is Telstra NBN. i run a wired connection

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
mymodem - 0 330 330 0 0 9 0 - 0 330 330 8 16 73 22
ae10.stl-ice302.sydney.telstra - 0 330 330 8 15 47 16
bundle-ether26.stl-core30.sydney.telstra.- 0 330 330 9 13 28 13
bundle-ether2.pad-gw30.sydney.telstra. - 0 330 330 8 14 32 18
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal. - 0 330 330 9 15 29 18
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal. - 0 330 330 10 14 29 18
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal. - 0 330 330 5 15 37 18
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal.- 0 330 330 144 150 169 147
i-20802.eqnx-core02.telstraglobal.- 0 330 330 144 149 162 152
i-92.eqnx03.telstraglobal.- 0 330 330 143 148 159 150
ae10.edge1.sjo1.sp.lumen.tech - 0 330 330 318 328 366 322
No response from host - 100 67 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 330 330 324 333 401 331
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976. - 1 310 308 340 549 4581 446
No response from host - 100 67 0 0 0 0 0
et-0-0-1-pe03-swlv10.as57976. - 0 330 330 330 335 369 336
las-swlv10-ia-bons-03.as57976. - 0 330 330 327 334 345 335
No response from host - 100 67 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 67 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 330 330 330 334 345 335 - 0 330 330 329 334 356 336
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

i have removed the .net out of a few so i may post the information (unable to post links)

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Hello, I have lots of experience reading WinMTRs. Telstra’s network and their routing peer, Lumen, are showing high latency before you connect to Blizzard’s servers. The connection jumps from 37ms as the worst ping to 169ms. After handing off traffic from the Telstra network, the latency jumps to 366ms on Lumen’s node.

Unfortunately, you’ll need to take up the issue with the ISP.

Commenting on here as I have been having the same issue and have been in contact with blizzard support, but so far only have the generic advice about optimizing network etc.

This only occurred a few days ago after there was a problem with the battlenet site and pages were giving some host type errors.

So far I’ve had a player based in Singapore who plays on US realms state they are having issues, their latency was typically 150-200ms but is now 400+
Another player from US realms also commented that when they do m+ keys with OCE players their latency is usually 100-150ms but has now been hitting 300+

I don’t really understand how to read all of the info, but given the Lumen node appears to be the issue (same as in my tracerts), shouldn’t the issue not exist for the player from Singapore due to different networks and routes?

Forgive me if this comes across as naive, I’m pretty desperate to get this issue fixed as it’s preventing me from participating in almost all instanced content

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Singapore has some submarine cables (internet backbone lines) that have been under repairs since July, so you’re comparing apples to oranges.

I see

I contacted Telstra and I think there was some initial confusion and hesitation on their end to offer any assistance, but it’s been escalated to a higher up and the said I should hear back within 3 days.

On an ironic note, I’m wondering if the issue is fixed cause I did 6 or so dungeons last night and didn’t have the increased latency at any point.

The same condition is plagueing me. I am experiencing high 360 ping on an Americas Army Proving Grounds server hosted on a HIVELOCITY server in Dallas, Tx.
Same route through to lumen.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
mygateway.gateway 0 105 105 0 0 14 0
gateway.qb10.brisbane.asp.telstra.net 0 105 105 13 20 75 15
ae10.woo-ice301.brisbane.telstra.net 0 105 105 14 22 101 14
bundle-ether25.woo-core30.brisbane.telstra.net 0 105 105 14 16 34 14
bundle-ether4.stl-core30.sydney.telstra.net 0 105 105 25 26 42 25
bundle-ether3.pad-gw30.sydney.telstra.net 13 70 61 0 30 52 30
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 27 29 46 29
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 27 28 46 28
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 27 29 46 29
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 162 163 179 164
i-20802.eqnx-core02.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 162 163 184 162
i-92.eqnx03.telstraglobal.net 0 105 105 162 162 179 162
ae10.edge1.sjo1.sp.lumen.tech 0 105 105 337 341 363 337
No response from host 100 22 0 0 0 0 0
HIVELOCITY.ear1.Dallas1.Level3.net 0 105 105 340 345 413 340

Google isn’t serving up any known issues between Telestra/Equinix to the Southern Cross Cable network, but I’m seeing congestion in the pings.

Since it’s to Texas and not Los Vegas or Chicago, I’m not sure what effects it would have on wow connections, but I’d keep an eye out for known issues in the Pacific Cable.

None of the server hosting is in Texas. Chicago and Las Vegas are the only two NA servers. You’re looking at a Level3 node on the way to the server that ignores some ICMP requests and not showing your actual ping to the game server. According to the data, your lag starts in Telstra’s network and builds significantly at the Lumen node from there.

Just curious if I could get your input on this as well so I can relay the information to Telstra. Have been in contact and they apparently will be contacting me tomorrow after they fix it (I have my doubts, given the person who contacted me earlier thought that restarting my modem would fix the issue and had no ideas past that)

What is odd to me is that connection to the Chicago server is now the one giving a 250ms connection, and the Las Vegas connection is the one giving 375ms.
Being that I’m in Perth, Western Australia, usually anything US West based is the better latency.
Still, this has only been happening ~ 1 week, was never like this before.

Las Vegas
WinMTR statistics

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
TELSTRA-MODEM - 0 26 26 0 0 8 2 - 0 26 26 11 14 40 14
ae10.wel-ice301.perth.telstra .net - 0 26 26 10 12 23 11
bundle-ether25.wel-core30.perth.telstra .net - 20 15 12 11 11 12 12
bundle-ether2.fli-core30.adelaide.telstra .net - 40 10 6 0 39 41 40
bundle-ether4.win-core30.melbourne.telstra .net - 0 26 26 45 48 51 49
bundle-ether3.stl-core30.sydney.telstra .net - 0 26 26 57 59 62 59
bundle-ether2.pad-gw30.sydney.telstra .net - 0 26 26 60 60 63 61
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 59 61 63 63
bundle-ether1.sydp-core03.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 61 62 64 63
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 60 62 64 60
i-10201.sydp-core04.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 195 197 199 197
i-20802.eqnx-core02.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 195 196 199 197
i-92.eqnx03.telstraglobal .net - 0 26 26 195 196 198 196
ae10.edge1.sjo1.sp.lumen.tech - 0 26 26 370 372 388 370
ae3.3.ear4.LosAngeles1.net.lumen.tech - 84 6 1 0 374 374 374 - 0 26 26 373 377 407 378
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976 .net - 0 26 26 387 549 744 437
et-0-0-3-br02-swlv10.as57976 .net - 0 25 25 379 449 1029 660
et-0-0-1-pe01-swlv10.as57976 .net - 0 26 26 379 381 405 380 - 0 26 26 379 380 385 380

WinMTR statistics

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
TELSTRA-MODEM - 0 17 17 0 0 3 0 - 0 17 17 11 22 88 12
ae10.pie-ice301.perth.telstra .net - 0 17 17 10 18 88 16
bundle-ether25.pie-core30.perth.telstra .net - 38 8 5 11 27 88 15
bundle-ether2.way-core30.adelaide.telstra .net - 60 5 2 39 41 44 39
bundle-ether4.exi-core30.melbourne.telstra .net - 0 17 17 50 56 90 54
bundle-ether2.cla-core30.melbourne.telstra .net - 0 17 17 50 54 90 51
bundle-ether3.hay-core30.sydney.telstra .net - 0 17 17 61 65 91 65
bundle-ether2.oxf-gw30.sydney.telstra .net - 80 5 1 63 63 63 63
bundle-ether1.sydo-core04.telstraglobal .net - 0 17 17 63 66 91 65
bundle-ether1.sydo-core04.telstraglobal .net - 0 17 17 198 205 297 202
i-10604.1wlt-core02.telstraglobal .net - 0 17 17 199 206 307 201
i-10604.1wlt-core02.telstraglobal .net - 0 17 17 235 243 351 236
i-93.tlot02.telstraglobal .net - 0 17 17 233 241 343 233 - 0 17 17 370 376 410 382
No response from host - 100 4 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 17 17 370 378 410 410
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976 .net - 0 17 17 263 370 515 402
et-0-0-3-br02-swlv10.as57976 .net - 0 17 17 246 296 374 319
No response from host - 100 4 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 4 0 0 0 0 0
et-0-0-0-pe02-evch1.as57976 .net - 0 17 17 246 252 350 246 - 0 17 17 246 253 350 246 - 0 17 17 245 252 350 245

These are incredibly small sample sizes — 26 and 17 seconds/packets. However, you can see there is lag inside Telstra’s network before the connection leaves the country and region.

Check the last few Telstra nodes that are part of their Oceania network in Test 1; you can see a climb from 62ms → 197ms → 372ms. In test 2, you have a climb of 66ms → 205ms → 243ms.

Apologies for that, never used WINMTR before so I was unaware I had to let it run for a while. Spoke with Telstra again and they have now escalated it to the right people and are hoping to have it sorted within the week.

Thanks for all your help!

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i have spoken to telstra in a near 2 hour chat with them last night. they didnt even know they used lumens after i provided multiple winmtr posts after they tried to tell me they “fixed” the issue. i have tried to speak with Lumens themselfs but we are unable to do anything as we dont have the circuit ID for them to find the fault. the more of us that send this data to telstra the better chance we have of telstra actually doing something.

do what i have done and speak with them via the online chat so you can provide the data as proof. but in basic telstra fashion. get ready for the “did you turn it off and on” checklist crap

I’ve noticed a significant increase in lag since last couple days ago. Never experienced this through the whole expansion and nothing has changed on my end.

Is this all a coincidence or likely something happened with the game after patch drop that has resulted in players seeing increased levels of lag?

It really depends. If you can VPN to somewhere else to resolve the lag, then it’s an ISP routing/peering issue. If not, then you can look at other causes.

Has anyone had any luck resolving this yet? I funnily enough have just returned to Aus from a three week trip to the US and have been greated with a lovely 340+ ping on SOD. It used to be 150-160.

This forum post is the only info I have been able to find about it so far. If this is the new normal, I wont be playing WoW anymore it seems.

Still waiting to hear back from Telstra in regards to the case I made with them.
I did notice that in about 8 unrated bg’s I did last night I never exceeded 250 ping, which is standard for US instanced content. As soon as I did some rated content it went back to 375 though.

Not sure if there are specifics for where they base the instance for unrated vs rated content, may have just been coincidence though.

Will agree though it’s slowly killing my will to play the game. As someone who gets almost all my enjoyment from pvp, I’m pretty much being forced to do unrated bg’s and arena skirmishes, as anything outside of that gives me an unplayable delay.

Not sure if people who were being affected are still interested at this point…BUT I bring some potentially good news!

Just had a call back from Telstra this morning, they asked me to do a check, I performed a WinMTR for the usual IP and it’s now returning 210ms instead of the 385 it was returning before (for reference I’m in Perth)

Would suggest everyone does a quick little WinMTR/Tracert just to see what it returns, if it’s still high your issue may be something else so may have to contact Telstra directly yourselves.

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yea can confirm this is now fixed. only took them a month and abit

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