High World MS

Exalter here. Here is a 5 min WinMTR from sitting in Org just now. Zero lag and steady 30/30 ms home/world. I just entered a BG and ms is still 30/30. I will start a new test and post it when done. Usually the world ms will slowly climb.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 306 306 0 0 5 0 0 306 306 3 8 18 7 0 306 306 13 77 648 26
be20.sgvlohaj01r.midwest.rr.com 0 306 306 4 9 16 8
be11.clevohek02r.midwest.rr.com 0 306 306 8 13 54 15
be25.clevohek01r.midwest.rr.com 0 306 306 7 13 23 19
so-7-1-0.ar0.dca10.tbone.rr.com 0 306 306 16 21 33 23 0 306 306 17 21 32 22 14 194 167 17 39 73 73 0 306 306 16 21 74 34
ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976.net 0 306 306 24 32 138 31
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net 0 306 306 25 43 585 30
be1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 306 306 26 30 39 31
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-04.as57976.net 0 306 306 27 31 48 30 0 306 306 25 31 45 28

And of course had zero lag in the bg. 30/30 ms the whole time. Very frustrating. Will try to record a WinMTR every BG I do. Usually it goes from 30 to 38 over a minute, then to 43, then to 50, then 150, etc. Doesnā€™t stop climbing until I leave the BG. Once I am back in Org or whatever major city it still is high but I have zero lag. Slowly it falls until I enter the next BG and the cycle repeats. Itā€™s getting old real quick.

And hereā€™s one from a BG where my MS climbed to and sat at 75. Please note that while sitting in Orgrimmar for several minutes in queue it was steady at 30/30 and immediately upon entering the BG it rose to 36, then 40ā€™s, and so on until it reached 75 ms before the gates even opened. It stayed like this the entire BG.

Then immediately after exiting it I entered Org, there was no noticable lag, and my latency has begun decreasing and is now at 56 and still falling.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 1100 1100 0 0 8 0 0 1100 1100 2 9 91 7 0 1100 1100 11 76 665 26
be20.sgvlohaj01r.midwest.rr.com 0 1100 1100 4 9 92 12
be11.clevohek02r.midwest.rr.com 0 1100 1100 5 13 95 20
be25.clevohek01r.midwest.rr.com 0 1100 1100 5 14 91 14
so-7-1-0.ar0.dca10.tbone.rr.com 0 1100 1100 13 21 94 18 0 1100 1100 12 21 85 20 7 871 814 12 19 57 17 0 1100 1100 13 21 140 18
ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976.net 0 1100 1100 24 33 144 32
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net 2 1052 1041 25 52 2090 31
be1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 1100 1100 24 30 88 33
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-04.as57976.net 0 1100 1100 25 31 80 31 0 1100 1100 26 31 93 29

Yep. Look at my WinMTR from sitting in Org. Zero packet loss on that hop.

Then look at it while in a BG where my latency rose. 2% loss.

Hereā€™s another BG with high latency. Please note the reoccurring theme of packet loss on the et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net hop.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 947 947 0 0 10 0 0 947 947 3 8 19 9 0 947 947 8 75 635 29
be20.sgvlohaj01r.midwest.rr.com 0 947 947 3 9 15 8
be11.clevohek02r.midwest.rr.com 0 947 947 4 13 24 10
be25.clevohek01r.midwest.rr.com 0 947 947 4 13 22 16
so-7-1-0.ar0.dca10.tbone.rr.com 0 947 947 11 20 29 20 0 947 947 14 21 33 24 0 947 947 12 20 91 17 0 947 947 13 22 182 19
ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976.net 0 947 947 24 31 137 30
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net 1 906 897 24 47 3364 29
be1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 947 947 25 30 37 31
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-04.as57976.net 0 947 947 27 30 37 30 0 947 947 25 30 39 30

I am at work now so canā€™t post more results, but hopefully what I have added under my Hexxes/Exalter accounts since your last reply is sufficient.

To me it appears to be an issue with the et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net hop, and itā€™s only an issue when I enter a BG. I can sit in a city like Org or Dal indefinitely with zero world MS climb. Also as soon as I leave a BG the issue will be gone and my world ms will slowly fall.

Hey there Hexxes/Exalter,

Lengthy post incoming, sorry in advance. :slight_smile:

After reading over this entire thread I think thereā€™s some confusion going on here. The et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net node (along with all of the other routers that end with as57976.net) are configured so that they give lower priority to ICMP packets. ICMP is the type of packet that WinMTR, traceroute, and pathping use to test the connection. The game however uses TCP, and in some cases UDP, packets to transmit your game data. So what this means is that the connection test may show some dropped packets or high latency on some of those back-end routers, but your game connection would be getting through just fine. This is a non-issue but I just wanted to clear that up.

WinMTR is the closest that we can get to looking at how the connection is performing on the way to the servers, so since there isnā€™t a test that uses TCP or UDP packets this is what we have to go off of.

When you are standing in Org or Dal thereā€™s not a lot going on, so your connection is being maintained with the servers but thatā€™s about it. When you jump into a BG though thereā€™s significantly more data being transmitted and received by the WoW client. If there is a connection issue between client and server, this increase in data being transmitted can cause the latency to start spiking up like you are seeing.

If this were a problem with the WoW / BG servers or the Blizzard network we would have tons of players posting and submitting tickets letting us know. However we just arenā€™t seeing that at the moment and from our end things appear stable, so this is why we are troubleshooting this issue as an individual case. You would also hear other players in the BG report they are getting high (150-200+) latency if thatā€™s what you are seeing, but it doesnā€™t sound like anyone else in the BG is seeing the same issue that you are.

I do believe that this is an issue either with your local connection (the router/modem, home wiring, or wiring out to the ISP junction box) or possibly an issue on the ISP side between their network the Blizzard network. This makes it difficult to troubleshoot because you (nor we) really have control over a lot of that, and it would be up to your ISP to check into it.

One thing that I would mention trying would be to grab a VPN and try connecting through it, then test WoW again and see if the connection is more stable. VPNs have their pros and cons, but in this case it can be a great tool to see if the problem lies with the ISP. We canā€™t recommend a specific VPN but if you do some searching online thereā€™s several free reputable ones out there.

Connecting through a VPN is almost like connecting through a different ISP, since it routes your connection differently. If a VPN works to stabilize things then that would confirm itā€™s a problem with the ISP.

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Thanks for the explanation. That seems like a good test to narrow this down and I will try that and report back.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Navariumā€™s high latency

Just a heads up that I am still having this issue, but it appears to be related to being put in BGā€™s with players from Oceanic realms: Frostmournce, Barthilas, etc.

If even a single player in the BG is from one of these realms this happens, and it does not happen when none of the players are. Is the game connecting me to an oceanic realm when in a BG with these players?

This also explains why I see this so often in the early morning where there are less US players on and more Oceanic players.

this. i have posted about a week ago and now trying to keep in touch via ticket regarding the same issue. when im getting phased/instanced group, my world MS is going nuts, i tried reinstalling the game, running with zero addons. power cycle the modem etc. etc.

> |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
> |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
> |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------|
> |                                    MIGS -    0 |  676 |  676 |    0 |    0 |    2 |    0 |
> |                   -    2 |  633 |  622 |    5 |    7 |   61 |    6 |
> |                  -    2 |  633 |  622 |    5 |    6 |   62 |    6 |
> |                   -   38 |  269 |  167 |    0 |    7 |   21 |    7 |
> |                   No response from host -  100 |  136 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
> |                    -   11 |  481 |  432 |   51 |   52 |   74 |   52 |
> |                   57976.tyo.equinix.com -    2 |  645 |  637 |   52 |   61 |  142 |   54 |
> | et-0-0-48-br01-eqty2.blizzardonline.net -    2 |  641 |  632 |  162 |  166 |  301 |  163 |
> |       xe-0-0-0-1-br01-eqla1.as57976.net -    3 |  620 |  606 |    0 |  212 | 2343 |  196 |
> |        et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net -    2 |  639 |  630 |    0 |  168 | 3401 |  164 |
> |       et-0-0-31-pe01-swlv10.as57976.net -    3 |  613 |  597 |  162 |  166 |  243 |  162 |
> |                  -    2 |  637 |  627 |  162 |  163 |  200 |  177 |
> |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______|
>    WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Can we get clarification on whether or not the game is connecting us to oceanic realms in BGā€™s? I am only seeing issues with latency in WoW and only when in BGā€™s with people from oceanic realms.

Also if this is what is happening I find it odd that I was told to do all of these troubleshooting things such as use a VPN and was even considering replacing my router when this is a pretty obvious cause for extreme latency in a BG. If itā€™s connecting me to oceanic servers then itā€™s pretty obvious my ping is going to be astronomical.

i just noticed that this issue happens to you the same month as i have. i just ignored it in the past few months hoping that itā€™ll get fixed somehow or itā€™s just a random lag that can be fixed during and or every maintenance.
and here we are. :disappointed_relieved:


I am also having the same issues with Spectrum/Time Warner. If I go into an instance my latency goes through the roof. It just started about a month ago otherwise it was always at 35/40. I have done everything I can think of. Updated everything on the computer, went straight from the modem, malewarebytes scans, played with no addons clean UI, and still have issues.


Will be interesting when I try Classic and see if this happens in BGā€™s still. My understanding is with Classic you will never be connected/sharded to a different server correct? If I never get high ping in BGā€™s there then thereā€™s no way it is my ISP or home network and it must be I am getting connected to Oceanic realms across the world causing high ping.

I bet itā€™s happening more often due to less players playing therefore it being morel likely Oceanic and American players are being merged into the same BGā€™s, or they changed something behind the scenes to cause players in the US to connect to the Oceanic realms instead of the opposite. Maybe due to oceanic player complaints of always having high ping.

edit: Actually I see in Classic there will be cross-realm BGā€™s. So I am not sure if it will be a good test. It depends on what servers are part of that cross-realm BG group I guess.

latency problems still happening, how bout you guys ? :fearful:

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