High warlord transmog?

  1. Wasn’t aware you were their boss.
  2. You have no idea what their jobs are, their day to day, etc. I get your mad the product doesn’t work how you want it to. Completely fair. But the needless toxicity is not part of that.
  3. There’s a solution if you don’t like things are going. Stop playing. Going back to that food analogy, if I had to wait an hour for the wrong meal served cold, I would just not go back to that restaurant again. If you keep finding yourself not happy with how things are going enough to rage out on the forums and lash out at anyone that doesn’t absolutely agree with everything you are saying, perhaps it’s time to turn off the computer and go outside.

You really need to stop embarrassing yourself.

You don’t like our attitude, it’s pretty much just me being “toxic” btw

Go back to the restaurant analogy. Now admit this is an establishment you’ve been going to for 15+ years and they have some new hires that burned your food, dont care, and ignore you. Instead of complaining you advise we never come back. Lol. You act like any negativity might ruin a developers day and that isnt okay and we should just shut up or quit if our feedback hurts their feewings.

You are in the same group of derogatory terms I put the devs in. Your logic and attitude reveal just as much about you as you say mine does for me. You don’t like people expressing discontent if its too negative. Okay. Then don’t open your mouth again you sad sack excuse of a man. Please, for my emotional & mental wellbeing, im a “developer” after all so can I expect my boots to be clean before you leave :tongue:?


How exactly would it help to stop playing? You do not even know if I am playing at all nor would it help to bring in desired transmogs for the people who love / want them when it was supposed to be out for 2 months already.

I am not raging nor being toxic. I am however not telling these people who are clearly upset to be quiet or not let out what they feel like, because it in fact is justified wether you like it or not.

Anyway, there is no point arguing. Facts are there. Product not being delivered as announced - customer annoyed. End of story.


All the bickering aside, the point is we’d really appreciate a solution, or at minimum a statement.


Why are you giving time and money to a subpar product?

You have to have an active wow sub to post on these forums, and you’ve chosen to post here about a missing feature of the game. You are clearly “playing” this game in the most general sense.

Unfortunately I doubt they are going to give much of one beyond “We are working on it.” And at this point you’ll either accept that reality, or you won’t.

Sounds like you dont have a dog in the fight other than you clicked on a thread you didnt like and decided to insert yourself into the conversation to be a contrarian. Which btw no one likes.


People also don’t like unnecessary cry threads that just devolve into unproductive toxicity. We’re both here and allowed to post on the forums. You’ll get over having to share spaces with people you disagree with someday. Maybe.

Scroll on by if you dont like it. Why engage in something you dont care for. What a weirdo.


I agree, you are pretty weird taking all this time and effort to respond to me instead of heeding your own advice. At least I engaged with the conversation.

What did you do exactly? Come here to argue with me and derail the thread?

They should fix the bugs and include their missing features. Calling them names and whining on the forums isn’t going to make that happen any faster. And complaining about the lack of engagement on these forums from the devs while being the exact kind of person they want to avoid is counter productive.

People can sit here and whine and rage. They can stop paying and stop playing a game they clearly think is run by incompetent people that are doing a bad job, they can provide a constructive influx of attention to the issue in order to give it more view, or they can accept that it’s not currently there, and that it’s not enough of an issue to impact their game, and move on.

There’s a ton of options to approach this scenario from. And for some reason the least productive and more negative one is being chosen.

You don’t have to like Blizzard or the devs. I personally am pretty annoyed we can’t get major raid bugs resolved because they clearly lack the staff to do it. But at the end of the day I am still willing to pay and play the game, for now. If something changes to where I am no longer having fun, then I will be changing that. As I have in the past.

If you want to vent, vent. Whatever. Just don’t be surprised when someone points out the issues with said venting. The fact I made a simple prescription of “Hey, maybe if you want them to take your criticisms more seriously and actually pay more attention and engage on the forums, you should use the forums in a way that is conducive to what you want to happen” was met with “You’re just a Blizzard white knight rawr rawr rawr” is pretty telling.

Literally cannot have a simple and moderate take. Everyone has to be some us/them insane cult of extremism on the internet. Nuance is dead apparently.

Youre right on one part. I shouldn’t engage legit 62IQs I dont care for. Nice story dude. Youre the one who came in trying to derail the thread. Instead of reading all of your post I blocked you. Congrats you no longer exist. Bye.


Seeing as the vast majority of your recent activity is vitriolic short insult and troll posts, and the other posts lack any substance or value, I’d say it’s pretty safe to assume you’re just a sad troll account and that it’s time to move on. Personally I am happy for trolls to block me. Less to deal with overall.

This is literally all you’ve done.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Any update on this?


Wrong. I gave meaningful and measured responses. You should avoid obvious lies.

Lmao you came in here getting after people for being upset. Couldn’t create a more useless addition to a thread. Nothing about the topic at hand. Just defending developers who aren’t delivering what they said they’ve already done.

You think venting is a waste of time lmao what does that make your contribution getting after us? Super-extra-turbo useless? Guaranteed the people in your life can’t stand you. Big tip, mouth shut will increase your tolerability tenfold.


I just found this thread. This Amideus slag for sure comes across extra turbo useless. Why even come in here arguing with folks? :person_shrugging:


What even is this thread? Just quit responding to those that are clearly only here to derail and instigate.

On topic, I think at this point we have to assume that they are purposely waiting to enable the rank 14 mogs to go alongside ZA and ZG’s release. Probably just copium, but it’s where I’m at with the whole thing.

No, I responded to your crying about Aggrend when someone gave you an answer. Someone pointed out you should try pinging him on twitter, which was a reasonable suggestion. Your response to that was to repeatedly insult Aggrend and then complain that we have to go to twitter to engage with him and that he blocks people in response to criticism.

My response to you on that was that the reason why they don’t come on these forums and engage, and why they avoid these types of conversations, was the way you insult them like that. That’s not even speculation, it’s just correct. And I pointed out you can be critical without being rude.

Your response to that was to insult me and rage about how I am a Blizzard white night. You are the cause of much of your own frustration and you aren’t solving anything with your thread, you’re just spreading vitriol. You were given some suggestions to move forward and you instead just wanted to complain. I really don’t care what you or any of the other toxic people in this thread think of me.

I’m so sick of the white knight trolls. Seriously sick to death of them. Literally the first words in the poster’s reply were:

So the following is BS:

There was no insulting/toxicity/vitriol on Twitter and PAYING CUSTOMERS WERE IGNORED. So yeah, that pisses people off and rightfully so. Of course he’s complaining. He should be. What is wrong with you?

Most people couldn’t care less what random posters on this forum think of them. Except the devs, of course. You would have us believe that these frail little beings are so traumatized by inquiries about persistent bugs that they can’t respond with, “We’re working on it,” or even, “Yeah we’ll get to that when we work out the other nine bazillion bugs.”

If you honestly believe the devs aren’t bothering to acknowledge concerns about bugs because of their fragile egos, you’re out of your mind.

And now, Mr. Blizzard White Knight #28, you’re going on ignore because I honestly can’t stand to read anymore of this complete and utter nonsense.