High Scholar's Pack Now Available - 500 Trader's Tender + Transmog - $25 USD

would pay 25$ to delete all draenei.

The special thing it does is give you 500 tender for $5.

looks like it has been confirmed, we will get tendy packages every month on the wowshop to purchase!

yay blizzard, the only thing i wanted was more tendies and you delivered big time!


The flip side is you can get this if you want in the trading post in 3+ months.

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And what’s so nefarious about that?

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Willpower +1/Game Purchase 0. Almost hit that click button, but thankfully I really do not play cloth users in this game, at least the one I did get to level 70 my warlock is collecting dust.

It’s not a weird scarcity “theory” when Tenders have, by their very definition, artificial scarcity. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that until one decides to leverage that to try to get money from people.

Whether it’s ‘nefarious’ is debatable. Why it’s not exactly a great practice is something that can be inferred by reading various posts in this thread, some by me and some by others.

They can’t even be bothered to show the whole mog on the shop page and Wowhead has a recolor datamined already. This is so clearly just selling tender for cash and nothing else.

But why is not a great practice? Should companies be barred from conducting market research?

The set is pretty lackluster and I don’t really like what they’re doing with tendies and limited time offers, so this is an easy skip for me.

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I think it’s pretty. But I wouldn’t pay cash for it.

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and just wait a few months when it is in the Trading Post, same results.


The sentamentalism angle can be what makes it predatory. I mean they tried to charge classic players $35 to copy their characters over to era when they launched TBC.

The backlash was so massive they slashed it to $15 and rightfully so given the tech is almost two decades old and was being charged for more than a regular server transfer.

Blizzard is absolutely predatory at this point if you ask me. They’ve already started selling packs with tendies now, which is different than what we thought they’d do with those cash shop assets, but by bundling tendies regularly with purchases they’re giving people incentive to save up tendies for future months. Also since cash shop items are supposed to make it onto the TP eventually if you do like this garb buying it with money saves you tendies you’d otherwise spend.

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PlayStation as well. I never thought I would see this era after on and off playing for several years.

I buy stuff in Palia. But it’s a free game. So there’s just cosmetics and I don’t care that the coins work like Old Republic because of the fact thst it’s free.

I’m not buying these Tender packs, because I’m paying to play this game and my in game content shouldn’t be tied to the cash shop, imo. But that’s just me. Everyone else can do as they please, it’s their money! If people like it, that’s totally fine. I’m not judging! We all spend our money the way we want.

$10 mog.

This mog is predatory?

I’d love you to expand on that.

If its not player power, I just dont see it as mattering. Its something you can easily avoid and not effect your character at all.

Player power, or even stuff like bag space, bank space, some sort of actual game utilization. And I got you. I just dont see mogs as a big deal. Esp ones not bringing anything special.

I think its over priced. Which makes it that much easier for me to avoid it.


It’s more than a month of gametime for a terribly made transmog (that clipping is offensive) and 500 tender AFTER July and August where we would’ve needed the extra amount.

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business sells product to customers. federal trade commission investigating

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I feel like maybe some pieces (like the belt) could work with other sets. Right now I’m thinking of the Antorus mage set, wich by itself matches perfectly with the new staff from TP.