High Ress Guild Tabards in Warthin, please, Blizz?

Blizz, I beg of you. It’s time to introduce High-Ressed Guild Tabards. It’s so hard to have feel pride for our guild when our guild tabards only have 3 pixels. Pls Blizz, redo the Guild Tabard in WARTHIN!


I dont know what warthin is.


What do you mean you don’t like the tabard that uses only 2.67 pixels?


As long as it is designed like the new ones that are not cut in half, missing the waist part, I’m all for modernizing the guild tabard to a higher ress!

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i want them to update all the old items with 3 and a half pixels. doesnt need to be all at once they can just slowly do it and add what ever they do as they do it


While we at it, can we get more stuff for Guilds? Guild perks were amazing!

Agreeded! 10 chars.

Same. Also I’d like for them to not put the high resolution versions on the trading post so we have to buy the extra pixels for gear we already farmed, like they have been doing.

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Warthin aka 11.0

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I think its a tumor of some sort. dunno why they would want a guild tabard of a tumor.


I am not seeing anything associated with 11.0 called or tied to the name “warthin”

A special edition forums community tabard. It gets to be such a tumor here.

(Not to make light of people dealing with actual tumors.)


This is actually my pet peeve.

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I actually forgot that WoW Guild Tabard existed.

I hope the personal tabard coming in 10.2.7 is high ress!

It the time of the night when the 1 person trolling looks up all his dead posts to refresh them, I guess.

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do you want high ress guild tabard, too??

The shortened name for The War Within. I phonetically call it “T-Dubs”.

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wouldn’t phonetically shorten it, it becomes Tew?

Trying to say Warthin just sounds like I’m buying a brand of cookies

And saying TWW is annoying, so I just shorten it to T-Dubs

Warthin isn’t a thing.