High pop or medium...PVP..or PVE..(Help me find a home!)

Greetings! As someone still trying to find a long time home for himself in this wonderful classic World of Warcraft, I’ve been arguing with myself this for a while…

The small community feel of a low-med pop server is appealing. The lack of waiting to farm nodes, etc is as well. The issue of finding guilds, raid spots, etc? Not so appealing.

On the other hand, the large ones have long term staying power and won’t go away (potentially) down the line. But they also sometimes have queues (not that big of a deal to me, I guess?), and many of the raid guilds are full of spots. But they also are easier to start a guild on.

Then we have the PVP question. I personally like WPVP, but I do dislike the non-stop camping. Fighting and WPVP in general? Yes, I enjoy it. Should I just stick with a PVP server in that case? Is WPVP on a RP or PVE server not very likely?

Thanks for answering all my questions in advance! I’m really trying to find a place to call home, make friends, raid, PVP, etc.

I play EST, USA. Horde or alliance! :slight_smile:

I only know PvP servers for US east.

Herod = 60% Horde, 40% Alliance
Sulfuras = 55% Horde, 45% Alliance

Herod gets full on the weekends and has queue,
Whereas Sulfuras is usually just high and no queue.

Pick one

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If you go pvp look into server balanced realms or just choose a faction dominated one. Make sure you out number the other faction like 10:1

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Benediction is a east server with a balanced pop

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Haha. I kind of edge towards wanting balance, but it would make it more easy to pick and choose PVP or not on outnumbered. Something like Herod or Faerlina.

But I dunno if I want high or low pop. :confused:

Faerlina is a good realm , just dont join Olympus at early levels otherwise you will get ganked a lot ^^

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As someone who has struggled with similar issues as yourself and who played nearly 50 characters to level 15 on many servers since classic came out I will offer my thoughts.

If you wish to play Alliance and focus on PvE and raiding I only see two options:

Westfall or Pagle.

If you wish to play either Horde or Alliance and don’t have much of a preference, want some world PvP and want what I feel is going to be a strong long term raid scene in addition to a healthy amount of world PvP I again see two options: Faerlina or Incendius. I would go with the latter if you wish to avoid possible hefty queue times in the future and you wish to play EITHER Horde or Alliance then both those realms are a good bet.

If you wish to play Horde with a primary focus on PvE and raiding I would suggest:


The problem I had to come to terms with, and you might be dealing with this as well is that you can’t possibly KNOW which server is going to hold up long term. There’s no guarantee any server you pick is going to suit you across the board or even in a specific way over time. Evaluate if you wish to PvP or PvE more and then pick accordingly.

In short:

  • For a blend of world PvP and raiding on either Horde or Alliance: Faerlina or Incendius.
  • For more of a PvE focus as Alliance: Westfall or Pagle.
  • For more of a PvE focus as Horde: Mankrik.

Based on my experience across most of the servers for over a month of playing, countless hours of running census mods, typing /who and checking raids and zones for amounts of players and their respective levels and during all hours of the day and night.

Hope this helps somewhat and doesn’t just leave you with more indecision.

Based on your last post I read I’m just going to straight up suggest Incendius Horde or Alliance.

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