High pop NA alliance servers?

Hi, returning to the game after quite some time and was wondering what some of the higher pop Alliance servers are for PVE? Tried Proudmoore since a realmpop website said it was the biggest alliance server & said “Full” ingame, but theres only like 150 people online lol

Preferably one that has a friendlier community if such a server exists, I know some servers are worse than others for trade chat being filled with awful trolling or really toxic political discourse.

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I’m sorry, it may be hard to find. The “kindest” servers tend to be ones with lower population because people have to meet each other and form friendships, plus competitive players will transfer to high pop servers for more endgame opportunities.

In my experience, RP servers are pretty good for the community side of things, there are still trolls but overall not bad. Maybe Moon Guard?


Proudmoore is very populated with people that have job that require them to be at work at this time. I know nothing of the chat channels, I leave them immediately upon creating a new character. I don’t murder the people in my own guild, so I guess it’s OK here?


Proudmoore is mostly alliance and is a high pop west coast server.

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Lol! Okay that makes sense, when I made my toon last night (3am?) there was like 60 people online and now there’s maybe 150-200, so I was worried it was kinda dead and was having flashbacks to my early Anub’arak days. If it’s mostly M-F workers that makes sense and I do believe I’ve heard good things about Proudmoore in the past, think I’ll stick to it :smiley: especially since most stuff can be done cross-realm anyways

Proudmoore on west coast, Stormrage on east coast. I think Kel’thuzad was the most heavily skewed Alliance server when PVP servers were still a thing, but no idea now.

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Use this: https://raider.io/realms/us

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Stormrage is the best for alliance.


Slash who is bugged. Proudmoore is pretty populated. Stormrage, Dalaran, Sargeras… there are more horde populated/dominated servers recently that have taken over.


Stormrage I would recommend for alli

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Storm rage it’s area 52 for alliance

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Come join us in Old Gods. We have a pretty expansive pool of players across servers and there’s a robust community in all PVE content, though maybe less formally with Torghast.

Oh hello there I remember you on my alt

Stormrage for central/east coast

Proudmoore for west coast.

Realm community is kind of a concept of the past, with how CRZ and sharding works.

For high pop alliance, your options are stormrage and proudmoore.

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Being on Sargeras I have raided with several mythic guilds in 9.1 as part of their progression filling in. Most of them I had pleasant experiences grouping. The server is CST and second only to Stormrage in Alliance NA pop if you don’t want to go EST.

This. Make sure to stop at Goldshire Inn, especially if you’re a fresh character. This is where Moonguard’s community typically rolls out their best welcomes.


I play on a pretty large server and half the people I see are from other servers. I don’t think it really matters anymore. I’d focus more on finding a good guild if you’re looking for one. If you’re solo, find one with a decent economy.

The community all kind of runs together at this point.

Good luck trying to move to a RP Realm. The Transfer service has been broken since the patch, one week ago. No fix in sight as I write this. Trying to get to WrA.

I have been waiting for a week, now.