High Latency - There we go again!

Same old its on the users end BS from the Blues it could never be on their end…

Beta For Azeroth Fo’eva



if there is a blizz problem, they do admit it. right now, there is a 400+ post thread about ability latency at the top of this very forum which they have admitted is a problem with the servers.

what you’re describing isn’t a problem with the game.

I would recommend making a new thread. I would post a dxdiag, as described here, https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/12988. Then I would run a winmtr for 10-15 minutes and post that, as instructed here. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/27780 If you go through some troubleshooting and nobody can find any problems with your computer, then your argument that it is a problem with the game becomes a lot more compelling.

keep in mind - the forums are an informal help system. you may not get the help you’re looking for unless you submit a ticket. If you do, you can use live chat and get help right away, i’d use this. https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/wow/197/1462/channels

Were you able to get a winMTR capturing the problem? We’ll need the details from that test to look for the issue.

Playing in NC Dunemaul and I did a +10 King’s Rest tonight, one hunter dc’s with 2500 latency, me and my brother had 1800 latency for around 4 mins, then everything cleared back up to 80ms.

This never happened in Legion.

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I’ve been experiencing High latency in game for at least 4 weeks. It’s actually less on retail, Classic is basically unplayable cannot react fast enough specially if you’re a healer. I’ve been leveling but I don’t dare go in to a dungeon. Tried all the stuff Blizzard says to do, no effect this is on them not the players nor local ISP. They need to say something or bring a fix ASAP.

[Edited by Blizzard] This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.