High latency in RDF runs?

I am an oceanic player based in Singapore. In recent days the latency during my RDF runs has been very high and reached around 900 to 1k which is very unplayable. I have zero latency issues when I’m in the city or doing raids with my guild. It’s weird that this problem is just occurring and I had no issues back in Cata launch. Any oceanic players also having similar high latency issues during RDF runs? I am not sure whether this got to do with the Blizzard’s downgrading of servers from what I heard of.

RDF pairs you with randoms, you’ll connect to the leaders server through your server.

If you get a player leading on a chicago server i guess you could spike that high, it’s nearly 30k miles round trip with who knows how many nodes. Though personally I usually get around 200-300 ms when i connect to an OCE lead, but its extremely noticeable

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singapore oceanic server player here too. not getting it in rdf, but WG and BOTB are like that, i hit 9k MS ping in a previous bg and its literally waiting for it to end.
only been like that for past few days, was never like that before.

Ohhhhh I had no idea that’s how it worked. I will randomly get into dungeons where it takes seconds to loot things, and they’ll loot one at a time. Most dungeons fine, no lag or latency anywhere else.

It’s very annoying but at least there’s some insight.