High Lag (Icecrown) Would VPN help?

Hi all!

Just came back to the game this week and I’m have really bad lag spikes (1500-16000) regularly enough that I cannot really play the game. I’ve browsed the forums and see other people having similar issues as well. I’m curious is using a VPN would help in my situation?

Info about my specific situation and what I’ve done so far is below. As far as I know, there is nothing else I can do to troubleshoot. Any other tips appreciated as well. I just want to play warcraft with my friends :frowning:

My Situation

  • I’m located in Illinois and connecting to Icecrown/Malygos.
  • My ISP is Metronet (fiber) and I currently run on around 800mbps up/down. My internet appears to be working fine outside of the lag in WoW.
  • My lag spikes can be immediate upon logging in or after 20-30 minutes. It usually resolves after a couple minutes and will reoccur at random intervals.
  • The spikes are anywhere from 1500ms to 16000ms.

What I’ve done so far

  • Delete cache, interface and WTF folders (ran with no addons and then redownloaded addons)
  • Scan & Repair
  • Ran with wireless and wired connection
  • Restarted modem and router (has been done repeatedly at this point)
  • Checked firewall settings for battle.net app and world of warcraft
  • Release/renew IP and flush DNS
  • Checked for driver updates
  • Contacted ISP (They “rebuilt” my modem the first call. Second call I did a ping test/trace in cmd prompt. They said my results looked fine and I need to talk to Blizz.)

I’m obviously new to the forums, since I posted under the wrong character. Not even sure that matters.

So I have had exactly similar situations to what you are describing. I am in Indiana and using Metronet as well for what it’s worth.

Last night I used my VPN to have it connect through California and after I did that everything was great the rest of the night, no lag spikes at all. Today, I connected to the same VPN area and was experiencing the similar lag spikes. I logged out after a couple M+ since it was unplayable, swapped VPN location to Salt Lake City, logged in, and didn’t have any more issues for the rest of the following M+ I ran of the span of the next few hours.

Super small sample size and could just be a coincidence, but just sharing my experience since it sounds very similar to yours as well.

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I appreciate hearing about your experience, least I’m not alone. I did end up trying a VPN and it seems to have worked thus far. I never had to use one before, really thought it was going to be more complicated and expensive than it is.

What VPN do you use?

Just to throw it out, I’m in Illinois - downstate - on Futiva - and am having no issues with raiding or regular play on emerald dream retail.

Since both of you are on Metronet that may be something to be checking on.