High Explosive Trap

Anyone else wish High Explosive Trap is either not a choice node or put back into the PvP talents?

I don’t see a reason to ever take it in PvP, minus bgs.


I would rather it be a choice node than a talent by itself. There are times I find myself wishing I had a knockback. Knowing I can spec into one temporarily is a nice choice to have. It won’t get used most of the time, but having it available on demand adds just a bit of depth to the spec.

Feels terrible for PvP since we are able to have both in Shadowlands.

I plan on using high explosive trap when going lone wolf

It’s basically a prune for BM and SV like how putting binding shot and scatter on the class tree was a prune for MM. Also sucks that hi-explosive trap does damage so you can’t knock freezing trapped targets like you could with glyph of explosive trap.

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Hi explosive is one of my fave abilities in the game. So sad its a choice between it and a stun. Theyre judt not really comparable when high explosive is more unreliable. Which is sad cause when it does have its moments its always a good time.

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No reason to take it over a 5 sec9nd stun. They basically judt removed it out of the game with that choice node