I have a high end gaming setup and I can not figure out why I only get very low frames in WoW. In raid, at the LOWEST (1) settings, my machine struggles to get 50 FPS with no addons enabled.
I’m playing at 2560x1440 with render scale set to 100%, 2070 super, and 3700x, my DxDiag info is below.
Any help is sincerely appreciated.
Ryzen is very bios and chipset dependent.
Your bios is f4g. Current bios is f12f.
Chipset drivers look to be from 9/17/2019.
Never drivers for the X570 are here:
We can’t tell your RAM timings and speed, but that also plays a large role in Ryzen performance.
Thanks, just updated the bios. I have my XMP profile turned on and my ram speed is set to 3600, not sure how to optimize the timings so I didn’t play with that though.
I’m still experiencing the same issue.
Did you update the chipset drivers too?
Yes, the bios and chipset have both been updated.
Honestly it feels like changing my graphics settings has no affect on my frame rate. I should be able to play this game no problem and it’s frustrating that an expensive machine struggles to play a +10 year old game.
I’ve played around with running DX11 but it’s a consistent ~30fps drop over DX12.
The next questions would be to check and make sure the CPU is going to boost. You’d need to have task manager or HWMonitor up.
Wow is more CPU bound than GPU bound, so we need to make sure what speed the CPU is functioning at under load.
Thanks for your replies.
I’ll download HWMonitor and observe how the CPU reacts in and out of raid. Is there anyway to log this information or should I just take notes?
screen captures posted to imgur tend to work the best
If your not getting boost in your CPU, download this tool and you can adjust all cores to your liking.
Quick CPU .com
I can only get images AFK in dazralor at the moment, please see below for a comparison of settings at 1 and 7 (slightly reduced).
Enter the link after imgur(dot)com/
Can you post some with cpu-z as well? Thanks.
Ty for your continued support. Here are the same settings with CPUZ and HWMonitor side by side.
IMGUR: a/Hk8a7oc
I don’t see your chip even getting to it’s max boost speed of 4.4ghz. Both screen shots have the max frequency of 4.366 for any single core. CPU-Z is showing 4.241 GHZ.
It doesn’t look like you have temp issues - it’s only getting to 72C.
I’m wondering if there isn’t a BIOS setting or something, or some link between RAM settings and the boost.
It’s definitely odd.
I’m not sure where to go from here. Would a reinstall help?
Not that I know of. It might be worth checking the AMD forums for info on the boost. I’m out of ideas.
Would disabling G-Sync have any affect?
Maybe. You’re out of my experience there.
Hey Prinne,
Would you be able to get screenshots of HWmonitor while in a raid at the 7 graphics preset and while you’re getting 50 FPS? That may be more telling about what the hardware is doing while you’re actually seeing 50 FPS instead of ~100 in Dazralor.
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Hey Jambrix, thanks for looking in to this.
Sure thing, please see below. Raid environment, preset 7, 50-60 FPS. Dropping down to 1 settings did not affect FPS at all.
IMGUR: /a/078bSmI
Apart from this, even at ~100 FPS in daz, things feel choppy and not as smooth as 144 Hz should be.
Just for comparison, I ran the Witcher 3 at maxed out settings and had a consistent fps of 85 and no apparent stuttering/choppy-ness. On wow, even the 100-120 FPS in Dazralor feels like I’m actually closer to 30.