High Elves are not blue-eyed Blood Elves

Ah, is it the Big Book of Blizzard Lore Contradictions?

The literally allready HAVE a highelf race. what do you think the void elves are?

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Exactly! Void Elves just need more skin options and customization then BAM High Elves. We literally are High Elves just more Emo

For all we know, those dark skin tones and blue eyes COULD be void elf customisations. It would actually make way more sense lorewise.

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Void elf is an abomination …, most ally also agree which is why they keep crying for High Elf

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where is ghostcrawler

oh working on riot games

Doesn’t matter. His standpoint makes sense, and he said the team collectively felt that way. “We felt” were his words. You can try and strawman that away, but that remains true considering the Alliance didn’t get Nightborne, the Alliance didn’t get HMT, and the Alliance aren’t getting blood elves. Multiple points where neutral races would have worked and the Allianced begged for it to be the case - and it didn’t happen. And it shouldn’t happen, mind you.


blizz has a high turnover rate for their team

I haven’t made up anything. Have you played Legion? Elisande makes the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves.

Learn your lore.

The mental gymnastics people go through when trying to convince themselves blood elves aren’t high elves… smh

Oh, so playable Blood Elves can wander freely through Stormwind and kill orcs?

Kul Tirans and Humans are the same race, and yet both are different playable options. The fact that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same biological race is irrelevant.

That’s right. Blood elves are green- and gold-eyed high elves.

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And Void Elves are High elves too. So High Elves are on both factions. So just give Void elves High elf customization options.


Sure. They’re High Elves the race, not High Elves the specific group of Alliance Thalassian elves.

DNA test came in, bloodelves are 100% highelf.

Ah, yes. The void elves.


I said the specific one, the one we’re asking for.

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