High elves are mutated highborne?

High elves (blood elves and void elves) are the same people that almost destroyed Azeroth or are their descendants? How long is a blood elf life?

About a couple thousand years last I checked. Blood elves of today are like only a couple generations removed from Night elves. Like, wasn’t Dath’remar the first Sunstrider king Kael’thas grandfather?


A thousand years give or take. The Sin’dorei dependency on magic altered their genetic structure greatly; shorter, loss of skin pigmentation, physically frail compared to Night Elfs, and a much reduced life span.


It can’t possibly be that simple, because other night elves have done the same and not transformed into high elves. Something else caused this.

It may actually be connected with whatever made vrykul birth humans, and I suspect it’s all related to Tirisfal Glade.

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Descendants. About 7,300 years ago was when the highborne were exiled from night elf society. When they left they were disconnected from the new Well of Eternity and that eventually altered them to the pale skinned high elves.

But they aren’t the same. High elves live for many centuries, but they aren’t immortal. The entire original group who left is long gone now and their population massively expanded in the millennia following. So none of the blood/high elves today are much connected to the old highborne.


Ah, it is that simple love. Those who would call themselves the Quel’dorei literally became addicted and entwined within magic to such an extent that it warped their bodies permanently.

Those Highborne who rejoined the Kaldorei in Cataclysm were not the same as those who followed the Quel’dorei, they sought isolation to practice their magics, without becoming consumed by it.


I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it for a second. Look at nightborne–they didn’t turn into high elves, either. They had a different transformation which was more magical than physical.


The lore is in the game my canine candy cane. You need not take my word for it should you disbelieve me.


The nightborne were fueled by the Nightwell. They were trapped in a bubble with it for a very long time. Overexposure to arcane.

High elves had the opposite effect, they changed because they lost their connection to a well for a temporary time. They changed before the Sunwell and Quel’thalas was established and by then the effects were already permanent.

Other highborne out there like the ones in Dire Maul found alternate mana sources to stay normal.


Not short enough! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Considerably shorter than night elves, who were functionally immortal before the destruction of Nordrassil. Now they could be equal, or even longer than night elves; it hasn’t been addressed by Blizzard but I’m not seeing any indication that Tyrande is aging.

It was addressed in a book, where Tyrande noticed her own ageing since their Immortality had halted.

Arnt all elves mutated trolls?

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Then it seems to me you have some reading to do concerning the lore. Because it makes perfect sense. I’ll link you a couple of articles. I’d also suggest reading the Chronicles.

Yes and no. Each specific race didn’t come from trolls, but the original race of elves did.

Long story short:

Dark trolls found the Well, eventually turned in Night Elves. Highborne were the highest caste of Nelfs. Some stayed in Suramar and the Nightwell changed them. Some stayed in Eldre’thalas and remained Nelfs. Some got exiled after trying to prove Arcane was too powerful to ignore and weakened into Helfs without a source of magic till the Sunwell was established. Most Helfs got killed off, a few scattered after they didn’t like where the others were headed and the rest changed their name to Belfs and got green eyes from fel then gold eyes from the Light infused Sunwell that was reignited.


So Dark Trolls are the master race…:thinking:…


LOL maybe!

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I smell a alternate reality Dark Troll Expansion in the works :joy:

Ooh… back when it was all one continent! Although, there’d basically only be trolls and nothing else, I think. LOL

Hey, hey, it’s possibility, would be cool to see how it all began!

Maybe not strictly just focus on Dark Trolls, but see how the first Elves came about and stuff… I’d be interested :grin:

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