High Elves, and how finally make them playable

This is not a post that claim to add a new playable race, just read it to the en and you will see.
There could be a way to make High Elves finally playable without adding them as a new race, that way could be just let blood elves make a faction change.
In order to do this Blizzard could put some simple steps for that, and those steps could be something like this:

  • Make a lore background about a group of Blood Elves who are for some reason discontented with the way of the Horde, and want to switch to the Alliance.
  • This group of rebelds will give you a chain quest in order to prove your character compromise with this allingement.
  • Once you did the whole chain quest your character could do the faction change.
  • The faction change will be irreversible, and the player would see a warning mesage informing that before he make that choice.
  • Finally your character will have a little cosmetic change: his eyes willcome blue, unless they were golden. This change could be explained trought lore adding some magic thing to the chacarter, in order to get that.
  • In order to get acces to this faction change quest, the player must have a Blood Elf obviously, but also reach at least level 20.
  • Also, if the character had earned the blood elf heritage armor, this will be lost if he makes the faction change. But could get in the future a high elf heritage armor.

Of course, if we allow to an Horde race have the option of a faction change, we should do the same for one Alliance race. But i think that will be material for other thread.
The only one bad thing that i see with this idea it’s that Alliance allready have blood elves who made a faction change: Void elfs. And also there are several people who don’t want to see more elvens in the Alliance. Give me your thoughts guys.


People have been asking for this for 14 years. The answer is no. Get over it.


I knew the hate will came fast.


Here’s one. There’s already a high elf megathread on the front page, I’m sure they’d love to welcome you over there.


I know you wish to state an idea or just brain storm a bit with this but youre unlikely to get much head way here. I suggest taking it to the pro-helf and even anti-helf threads for an actual discussion.

Youre more likely to just get off the cuff shoot downs while here, but if seeking negative reactions is your intention then Blizzard has been happy to shut down such topics outside the megathreads.

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Yep, i’m on it right now, thanks.

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If you want high elves, the Horde is here waiting for you.


How about no.


Sorry, but a lot of us here got really, really freaking sick of the high elf threads like a year ago. They just didn’t stop. They’re kind enough to keep it to the one thread now, so that place is a better sounding board for your ideas.


And now that we have a purple placebo, this ‘no’ is definite! Alliace will not have High Elves!
Accept the placeholder or ignore their existence!
I’d rather ignore all the purple elves I see!

I think you missed a word in your title.

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We already have a group of rebel elves who dont like the Horde, with blue eyes due to some magic thing being added to the character that cant use blood elf heritage armor.

We call them Void Elves.



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No, no, no, no AND no


Why make a new topic when we have a megathread?

Asking for more elves is like asking for an incurable disease or a hideous genetic deformity.

  1. We don’t want Blood Elves on our faction
  2. Don’t spam
  3. Come to our thread

Stop. With. The. High. Elf. Crap.

There’s a megathread for this nonsense. Put it there. There’s no need to make new threads over this again and again. Seriously. No point. The megathread is, as Blizz themselves has said, the best place for this kind of crap.


The solution is pretty simply. Add blue eyes and some skin tones to belfs. Give void elves a toggle for thier void appearance.

Alleria isnt always void. So she can teach the others to shift between forms to.

If the character creator wasn’t a fossil many things could be achieved.

Hell bliz could allow visual mods. Both elder scrolls and fallout have a huge modding community. Blizz could allow visual mods and not even have to do any work themselves.

There is already underground communities out there. On the interwebs youll find everything if you dig deep and long enough.

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