High Elves and Eye Glow: Blue is Out, No?

Nothing in the game or in any interview has suggested that the reason some BEs still have green eyes is because they are currently feeding off of fel, which is what I assume you mean by “demon blood.” (Most did not even feed directly on fel, but got the green eyes due to the fel crystals that were powering the city of Silvermoon.) It has just taken a while for their eye color to change after the change in the Sunwell.


iirc, the reason for the blue eyes was so players could make the distinction between High Elves and Blood Elves. And that’s it.

The eye color has less to do with lore and more to do with just simple gameplay mechanics.


The Death Magics known about are Blue-White(Bastion), Blue(Ardenweald), Blue-Black(Drustvar), Cyan(Ghost), Green(Maldraxxus), Dark Green(Negative Emotions), Purple(Common Death Magic), Grey(the Maw), Red(Pride which is commonly seen in Revendreth) and interestingly enough Orange(Blight).

The Orange Blight seen in Zul’Drak may be the source of Forsaken having Amber Eyes.

Yep, you’re 100% correct. It’s just like Ion said: Blood Elves are High Elves. Just not the splinter faction who decided to join the Alliance. You know, the Void Elves. :wink:

The Silver Covenant is it’s own group of High Elves and is distinct from the splinter group of Blood Elves known as the Void Elves.

There are 5 Groups of High Elves: High Elves of the Silver Covenant(who retain Blue Eyes as shown by Vereesa their leader and her nephew the Half-Elf Arator), Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas, Scryers of Shattrath, Felblood Elves of the Legion and Void Elves of Telogrus Rift.

Fact: bears beets battlestar galactica

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More than the number of Void Elves that exist?


They got thrown out.