High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Void Elves need some natural hair colors. Blood Elves got blue and dark purple hair colors now, why can’t Void Elves get something in return? Also, starcursed hair color would be cool.

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They got their light blue color unlocked for all classes instead of being DK only and they have the same bluey-black color they’ve always had.

They didn’t get purple hair.

Void elves got blood elf skin tones, blood elves got nothing from void elves.

I’d kill to have this.


That is a let down.

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Oh neat! I never knew about that!

That part I knew. Had a few hunters go through it. One of them a Void Elf. :smiley:

Me too.

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Yea so far no Purple Hair Colors for Blood Elves as well as having the same features as Void Elves and same with New Blood Elf Features for Void Elves as well.

DK or not, they still got the option. It’s disingenuous to claim there is some sort of distinction there.

Also, they did indeed get dark purple:


I found it. In Highmountain. They’re called the Unethical Adventurers.

The priest is a high elf named Zenobia.

They already had it, it was just unlocked for all classes.

Sure, they got the option for all classes, but it wasn’t ported from void elves, like all the skin tones void elves got were from blood elves.

Distinction in what?

That looks more black to me, when I think of dark purple I think of the blue-purple hair that void elves have.
Either way, void elves don’t have a hair color that looks like you one you linked. It also wasn’t ported from void elves.

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Distinction as in it doesn’t matter what’s the source of obtaining unnatural blue and purple hair shades as the end result is the same.

Given that the “purple” you linked doesn’t look like any option available to players for void elves, and that the blue, while it looks similar to one shade on void elves, isn’t identical (like those skins void elves got) nor was it ported from the opposing faction’s race (like those skins void elves got), I dunno that the end result is the same.

And btw, we’re talking 1 similar hair color compared to some, what, 13 or so identical skins. Skins are more important to theme than hair color, 13 is 13 times as many as 1.

One race got a lot from the another, and that other race got nothing from the other one that got a lot from it and got one thing it already had made available to all classes that looks similar to one thing the other race has, there’s nothing to give in return. I agree with adding natural hair colors to void elves, but not for giving something in return.

I think you’re the one being disingenuous here, not me.


Thats black dude.

Anyone calling that anything but black is selling you something.

Neat! Thank you for finding it! An interesting bunch!

What would you give in return? Out of curiosity?

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One of my discord friends asked after I put my toddler down for sleep what it cost me
 I sent them that

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I can’t think of anything to make the trade near to equal.

I’d personally like:

  • The deep purple and white-blue eye colors void elves got for blood elves
  • Some of the hair styles (scandal and wicked on females, for instance) from void elves detentacled and given to blood elves (I’d like a tentacle toggle for them on void elves too)
  • Maybe one or two hair colors, like the one your using

Besides that I want no more trading between the races, getting a few new options that are shared (farstrider tats/paint, for example) is fine by me, but no trading, and I especially want both races to get their own unique things to dehomogenize them.

If they were to get more options from other races instead of purely unique things, I want it to be from other races and not each other. (ex, void elves with Kul Tiran hairstyles and colors, rather than blood elf ones)


I summon Nelfas, the true high elf! For the alliance Silver Covenant!

Nelfas is a level 4 card.

Attack 1900/Defense 900

Effect Rallying cry. When this card is activated any of your units already in play receive +100 attack.

Your move Bryboi. Prepare yourself!


Nelfas is a Night Elf. :grimacing:


A night elf’s what?




Ahh. The Priest has come to settle things down.

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He simped up to Calia -the unapologetic sister of the man that destroyed his nation- out of all people -that®s worse than him tolerating Jaina by miles my dude (and yes, tolerating, cause he had to be “talked down” into not getting into a row with her back in Thunder Isler by good ol®Taran Zhu and again, “convinced by” future waifu Thalyssra into working together with Jaina in Nazjatar)-; so as far as I®m concerned I rather he gets booted/killed before his transition into Calia Menethil®s cheerleader plot device is completed.

And even with that heÂŽs still better than Baine simply because when the Belves got hurt by Alliance crossfire LorÂŽthemar at least had the decency of becoming offended while Baine justified his human overlords killing his people and simply ignored the issue, period.

I®m with Midare, this “Horde moral depiction and narrative must be taken hostage to be perma compared and demeaned in it®s comparison to Moral Absolutism Perfection Incarnated A.K.A. Alliance moral depiction” has to end. And cutting the consequences of this comparison (A.K.A. depicting “good moral behaviour on Horde” directly as a consequence of them being 100% submissive to Alliance standards) by proxy of booting the Alliance flavored “leaders” and the Anduin/Jaina bootlickers is necessary to achieve it.

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