High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I prefer it the way we pronounce it. “April 10th, 2020”


I agree with this. The Horde is shown as having more numbers overall, and they were able to sustain a Saurfang loyal offshoot of relative army size.

The Alliance by comparison is shown to have lost a lot of troops and military might. They likely have less forces right now than the Horde do. But their leadership is intact and they won major victories in the war putting them in a position of power.

It wont last.

I have so many retorts to that
 but no, I am too civilized. What am I saying, my country is a dumpster fire right now.

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I’m just like why are you correcting people on the NA forum? lol

If you’re looking for consistency, don’t. The numbers will be whatever the moment demands.

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Well, stop setting the dumpster alight and use a BBQ.

I’m surprised they’ve moved beyond communication by hitting things with rocks with how little tea they drink and how few monarchs adorn their coins.

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Wait, they have? Damn, now I’m surprised.

Thats true. Cant really argue that. :stuck_out_tongue: Just saying it appears for all its worth that the Alliance is down in troops compared to the Horde. Its the main reason Anduin wants peace soo bad.

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true. but thats just the zanda fleet. not the entire horde fleet, right?

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BBQ? In California we only eat avocados, almonds, and granola.

What am I supposed to do with a BBQ?


How dare you!

Accurate, but how dare you!

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whoa healthy.

Fine then. Just do a Homer Simpson and make something inflammable go up in flames instead.


Now Baine seems head of a council, the Horde narrative serves to shame Horde players, better to just commit to faction war right, and keeping the narrative theme imo. Let the Alliance win, and Horde win at different times but no need to have this grand “were a changed Horde” or “the alliance is different now” outlooks.

And we lost the Banshee Queen as of now I’ll wait to see what Shadowlands brings.

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I also lift 4 times a week despite working over 60 hours, grad school, and caring for a sick parent.

Come to think about it, isn’t California still in Lockdown or has that been lifted. :woman_shrugging:

It’s the only way I have time for this right now.

I thought you said “whoa wealthy” and being from California myself I was about to say thank you, but you said healthy which I will also take as a compliment! All comments on California should be taken as compliments.

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