High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.

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Stop it! He’s going to get the sealion again.

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i could be wrong but i havent seen him in awhile and something in my foggy memory keeps hinting at his dissatisfaction one day.

One of the persons. Plural.
Again, the self victimization continues.
Going to do the circular backpat where you passive aggressively speak ill of people now?

The “I” option works well for personal attacks

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Speaking of which, you are more than welcome to moderate your own. Hyper spent a good portion of last night slandering us.

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He’s still around. Mortis is gone though.

Yeah, I should. I just find it funny that they like to accuse someone of doing something, but can’t prove it.

Or the “Like button” of insulting.

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i can do it some more if you want. i mean i did delete the one accusation. more than you’d do for me. y ou’re never flipping wrong about anything and if you were and knew it, you’d never admit it.

The thing is Hecatone, I have been dealing with claims from a couple of the Anti’s saying I am going around, and calling people trolls, but then when I ask for a post, they don’t want to prove it.

I have never seen you be anything but the most wholesome poster, even when upset. I wouldn’t worry about it Hyper.

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What are you on about? When have I ever treated you that poorly? I’ve even stood up for you. More than once.

Was that an apology?

I haven’t seen that snickers commercial before that’s really funny lol.

I was there and I said I didn’t think you were, but you tend to go back and forth with people while they are trolling which tends to give the impression you are doing it.

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Yeah, I understand

nice of you but it was on another thread . i laid into the anti discord crew for making me a poster child for their giggles and for having a backroom away from prying eyes. both of which i was told, are not true. they named that thread on their discord, the hyperspace fan club. i’m sure they were fans.

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and right now, Hyper is deciding if she wants to take that path. You are welcome to encourage her not to.


We had a secret room for keeping our resources because we didn’t want posters like Kirela getting in there and trashing it.

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what the actual flip