High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

they are gonna resume datamining today on wowhead. they stream it live on twitch . here’s info so you can follow along. spoiler alert


and here’s some of the results on wowhead

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notice even the wowhead people are avoiding blood elf model updates. they’ve even made comments that lead me to believe belfs are getting blue eyes. my theory is they are being told by blizz to not reveal it till more people have pre purchased lol .

To Be honest, The more I see of shadowland the more I am regretting prepurchasing this may be the first expac I skip in the 13 years of playing.

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Idk, I think they would release info as they get it. Would be huge site traffic if they had Blood elf info.

Plus with the level squish its starting in the wrong foot for me at least. Rather have no level change then levels taken away. Feels like going backwards to me at least.

yeah but the storm that would follow would be bad pr, and the devs know it. not just because some people want or dont want it for belfs, but because it further cements the complaint that the devs only really care what the horde playerbase wants and some players want this to happen just so they can watch other players melt down over it. they are chaos farmers


I guess we will see, I really don’t have an issue with blue eyes.

Doesn’t make me want high elves any less.


thats how i feel about it too but for some players that’s a real sticky point because they know it means antis will say, hey, look at belfs. they are what you want. the problem is, its a 2 faction game. if people wanted to be horde for belfs, they woulda already done it, like me for instance. i’d much prefer alliance high elves, though, or even better, half elves.


Of course there will be sore winners too.

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thats been happening for a long time now and its ruining the game


I just wish that that one minor point hadn’t been chosen by some as something controversial to this whole debate. I don’t think eye colors really signify anything important to the issue, blood elves getting blue eyes is just blood elves getting blue eyes, I don’t think that should be seen as proof that something isn’t going to happen. (I think there are other things that are signs of that, just not eye color)

And really, the eye color division of the race doesn’t make sense, why aren’t the outland high elves green eyed since they’ve probably been exposed to way more fel radiation than the blood elves.


It’s a non issue to me.


Oh yeah, and Alleria was all over Argus… not to mention absorbed a whole Dark Naruu’s void junk. There is very poor consistency.

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i agree, eyecolor is just not the hill to die on but apparently, this has been how blizz differentiated alliance high elves from horde high elves, and removing that differentiation signifies their decision to not give alliance playable high elves, seem more likely. iotw, alliance high elf carrot on a stick is starting to look like a big fat nope. incrementally, like slow cooking a frog in boiling water. by the time its really obvious, the game will be nearly dead anyway and it wont matter

Inconsistencies in the story. As I’ve said before, blizz sometimes can appear to not care as much about these types of stories and details like the fans.



Also it’s looking like those where, in fact, Worgen Eyes.

Now I can remake my Worgen Rogue with the Red Eyes and Brown Fur I wanted!


That and the core races are being generalized. Dwarfs are no longer jut one kind of dwarf, they can be any kind. I don’t think Dark Iron Dwarfs are getting that same treatment. What generalizing the core races means isn’t clear for all of them, but it should enter our awareness.

Oh yeah, those Worgen options are lit. I am overjoyed.


I figure it’s just a design short cut they may be regretting now.

Oh they for sure care less about it than the people in this circle.

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