High Elf best Elf

Would have been funnier if you were a Nightborne :frowning:

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Hilarious for you to post the ToS considering your history.

I stand by what I said about you. :heart:


I’m super bummed :frowning: Void Elves had a lot of potential for super goth Voidy options! I was so looking forward to void skin and galaxy hair


While Void Elves did have more potential, some of that potential was put to waste because of it’s contradiction to the lore, well, the one line that was written in crayon.

The biggest issues with the Void Elves is actually more or less is the lore, because it is really lacking, and there is nothing explaining the Void Elves much better, especially with what will happen with future Void Elves.

But in terms of customizations, I do want to see more on the Void theme too, as well as the High Elven theme, but who knows, my major concern is mostly the lore.


I can roll a Void Elf and immediately be hailed as a champion. Depending on which timeline I choose, I can be promoted to leader of my class and given powerful artifact weapons.

Even if you roll a race that starts at level 1, you might be a “new recruit” in the tutorial but you’re hailed as a champion basically the moment you step foot into Org/SW which makes you far from the average joe that you went from recruit to champion in about an hour.

Beyond that, the old timelines don’t matter. New lore was written. This isn’t Vanilla or Cataclysm starter zones anymore.

Thanks, I like yours as well.

I’m optimistic that void elves will be brought up to par with the other Legion races
 later on down the line.

Hopefully with some actual unique assets and really leaning into their Eldritch Abomination By Lisa Frank angle.


High elves 🧝‍♀ unite! :blush:


High Elf is the only elf. Blood elves are just traitor elves.


Did you say
 high elf?


That’s an amazing High Elf. Congratulations Alamara!


If Blood Eves are traitors, then Void Elves are double traitors :slight_smile:

Re-read what I posted, targeted insults to individuals is against the tos.

And you have done it against me. You also have done it against a community too, and that is against the Code of Conduct. I wouldn’t be contradicting so fast now, would I?

EDIT: There you go

Yeah, contradictions contradictions. If you don’t like it, don’t do it to others, otherwise, best be ready to be to cop the same stuff back towards you that you have given others.


No regrets Cezol. He likes to do it to others but then don’t like others doing it to him.

I stand with you, FOR JUSTICE!


Doesn’t matter, someone so irrelevant to the direction of the game is nothing but laughable.

I say enjoy his circus till the next time he’s wrong, and he’s wrong often :rofl::rofl:.


Fantastic look Alamara.


I can’t consider High/Blood Elves as Elves. I call them Humans.

Night Elves and Nightborne is where’s at. But among the Thalassian Elves, Void Elves.

My characters just won’t update- but y’all look fantastic!

This girl is rocking the white hair with purple skin
 love the way the void sparkle tentacles look with the heritage wings!


Wish Blizzard would work on the helm-tech in this game, that hairstyle would look amazing in your hood if it showed like it does on Alleria or Sylvanas.