High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Also Grumbol is such a mad lad that on mechagon he literally just tells you to go start **** with the Horde for no reason lmao

Um. Eyegouge does the same.

Outliers are merely that, outliers, regardless if they have a leader or quests. If your argument is they are any less relevant based on that, you’re only hurting your own argument.

It’s like a check valve, or an electrical diode.

Water or electricity flows one way but not the other.

All blood elves are High Elves, but not all High elves are blood elves. I hate repeating that line but it holds true.


still doesn’t subtract from the fact that grumbol is an epic dwarf.

usha just screams into horde players ears to be annoying.

Grumbol sounds like his nose is stuffy and is quite annoying.

More like, Eargouge.


That isn’t really addressing the point though, is it?

Blood elves make up the majority of the high elven race, high elves that decided to remain with the alliance are outliers from that group.

I said random and irrelevant outliers, and I was specifically talking about high elves. High elves are not Blood Elves so I’m not sure why you’re even bringing them up.


All I see are a bunch of haters here.

he’s half your size and probably could probably smash your face in.

that’s just dwarves though, always wanna’ be wrecking people.

Except for the fact that you are using information from the past, your history towards them, and not evaluating the argument on its own merit.
We need to look at each argument in itself, and not focus on the presenter.
So, true or false, Snowsong was stating SOME high elves are not alliance aligned?

Yes…yes she did. Your argument does not work when we have posting history to evaluate the statements made by others. Have you not noticed her inability to provide proof of an accusation she made towards me?
I am not asking you to change your stance. By no means would I use such methods to change your mind. I am, however, asking that you evaluate people objectively rather than in a biased means.

Your focus upon a singular term does not lend much credence to your view. Many, several, are words which are contextually based. If I said, there are many high elves that are alliance leaning, and then stated, there are many high elves that are not alliance leaning and lean horde, then both statements can be true.
On the other hand, if I had said “all high elves” would be different, because it is an absolute statement.

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You made the remark that they are all blood elves though, with alliance high elves in the same sentence.


I’m protection specced. I have zero reason to fear a midget who can’t even reach the top shelf to reach his sinus medications.

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Undead Night Elves are a possibility


Just like Blue eyed blood elves are not green eyed blood elves, but that doesn’t make them any less relevant. Your argument is that because “blue” eyed blood elves are a minority group within the larger society of blood elves that they somehow less relevant, when alliance high elves are a minority group within the high elven race as a whole.

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You’re my favorite Blood Elf.


Even worse dude, protection warriors are the worst!

Grumbol will just go fury, outheal you, and mail your corpse back to an Orgrimmar slum.

Fall over due to a massive sinus infection and die.


Personally, I don’t like that statement of
“all blood elves are high elves but not vice versa.”, because the statement is classifcation.
It is meant to show that all of group A, is a sub group of group B.
This is not really the case with blood elves and high elves, as their difference is name only.
Particularly, if the insistence is that high elves are not blood elves, and that blood elves are not high elves due to political affiliation, we cannot use that kind of classification logic without contradicting ourselves.

Not going to lie, the damage prot warriors do incredible damage when avatar is up.