High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Arcane is both blue and purple, it isnt a singular color.

Can I just point out that all the FACTS you posted are just… opinions?

1 is misleading but correct, A continuation is not the same than THE ONLY continuation.

2 Even if Blood Elves are High Elves and and High Elves are High Elves, it doesn’t mean they are the same group. They have different ideologies and beliefs and politics, that’s the point. They are different groups. No one is talking about them being a different race

Except for 3, that one is factual.

4 That’s kinda the worst one, an opinion, and a wrong one; After HE’s have been TWICE made the alliance counterparts to the Horde in 2 different expansions, calling them “used sparingly” is a lol.

And what has this to do with anything? How does this change the fact that “High Elves are an Alliance Race” that you claimed was spam?


Isn’t there some pink too?


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I was making a quick reference to whoeverhe/she was, considering they acted like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I am not exactly calling it spam though, but with the way they were acting… I was just trying to counter-act it without trying to flag this thread for it to be locked again!

I agree, people are just to easy to jump the gun here.

There are only two antis here that I can legit call legitimate trolls, certain Flaming Bush and a Conky Kul Tiran.


Well, because high elves arent an alliance race. They left in WC2 when Anasterian withdrew them.
They are no more an alliance race than humans are a horde one.

hmm…I might disagree but how many trolls are on the helfer side?

I’d support the addition of High Elves, on two conditions:

  1. They need an additional skin that is a shade or two darker than the darkest shade in the picture on the main post above.
  2. A “half elven” optional skin for Humans is added (basically a hair style accentuating the pointed ears, or glowing eyes with elven rune facial tats, etc.)

I think its possible next expansion you might be able to play an alliance blood elf which would be literally what is asked of in this forum


Sure it’s an argument. One you’ve already had discussed. Repeating your argument daily is trolling, and spam.



Yup, High Elves have been a presence in the Alliances’ endgame stories as well, even as recently as Suramar.

In the entire history of the game? No. In BFA, yeah probably.

Most High elf appearances in Alliance stories outweigh most of our “core” races presence, especially Gnomes, who have not had a role to play other than comic relief since they took back gnomergan, and Mekatorque in a few scenarios and cinematics doesn’t count.

Just because they’re not debatable does not mean High Elves don’t exist.

Blood Elves have the city and the grander theme of their people, High Elves have their own, even if they didn’t they have much more than even Void Elves ever did, and we got those.

You’re choosing to look at this from one point of view, and thusly, pretending Alliance High Elves don’t even exist.

In other words, you’re heavily opinionated.


I just don’t see relaxing the factions a possibility…although sometimes I wish it were going to happen.

most high elf appearances in the story are in the context of dalaran, as representatives of the kirin tor

actual alliance aligned high elves are literally a couple portal keepers

repeated arguments get repeated answers

the faction war ended and there are those new icons.
I hope the rumours are true at least

Not at all

Our Alliance High Elves haven’t been your Blood Elves since Blood Elves we’re created, despite all the similarities, they are a different political faction with different experiences.

Those are the ones we want.


Also, there is no difference between the two except for the polotics.

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This is like saying that Void Elves aren’t an alliance race because Quel’thalas and it’s government are Horde.

Again, this is quite simply an asinine argument to make.

-The point is that not all High Elves followed Anasterian’s Orders, nor Kael’thas later, to the point that there were 4distinct groups of Alliance High Elves:

The Allerian in Outland, part of the Alliance Expedition.
The Highvale in the Hinterlands, close to the Wildhammer and Draenei.
The Dalarani of Dalaran, who didn’t follow Kael’thas and remained alliance intil the Nexus War
The Silver Covenant a militant group of Dalarani High Elves that refused neutrality and allowing Blood Elves back to Dalaran.

There’s not a single Self denominational High Elf group on the Horde

There are 3 on the Alliance.


Yeah I don’t see lore being an issue if factions stopped existing and blue eyes became an option to blood elves

Right…I agree it looks like some of the theories make sense…and I think it might be a good thing to happen for the game. Certainly cross faction instances would really be helpful. But there are other things that point out to it never happening.