High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The Silver Covenant has to keep their boats somewhere.

What do you mean?

blizz could pull anything out of the air to make a starting zone. lol

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Right, that’s what’s going on.


It is when there’s nothing to benefit from it. You simply widen the gap by creating a stigma between the groups. “All antis are like this” and “All helfers are like this” and then everyone hates each other a little more.

If you know someone isn’t going to change, don’t interact with them, but making posts like this is bound to draw out more and more bickering than actual meaningful conversation.

don’t forget that i also see what’s said in the discord

edit i’m not being specific but you guys can boot me if you want. idgac.

why would a floating city need boats


Cut it out Dekkar. Or I am not giving you cookies.
Very sure that was said sarcastically. I like people having fun.

They literally made a pocket dimension for Void Elves.

Saying there is an Island or Harbor for already established boats is not too much of a stretch.

Unless they are keeping them in Stormwind?


Just got back from the threads Murgatroyd mentioned

and I literally don’t know what to say.

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Gilneas being a new Alliance hub would be cool. This could be the place for them since Dalaran used to be located nearby.


i just changed the main spec of almost all of my toons and went through most of my enchanting mats to get them re echanted. i’m grumpy. -.-

The Silver Covenant have boats?

But what about the race who used to call Gilneas home
and lost it? It would come back as a High Elf hub and leave the worgens standing around wondering how that happened?


worgen players would RIOT. lol

Yes, yes we would.

Not just High Elves. Like a new city for the Alliance since the fall of Darnassus.

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But where are they keeping them now?

The show up for the boat festival too some there’s a High Elf owned harbor somewhere out there.

Yes, you see them in northrend.

And you see High Elf owned boats in the Thousand Needles boat holiday.


tbf, the worgen did take over guarding the alliance safe space in dalaran. likely because they dont have the numbers to even guard it anymore

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