High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You’re right, it’s too bad high elves are already a Horde race, eh?


Well then it’s a good thing we aren’t asking for blood elves.


Because they share an origin.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t different.

That is literally opposite to what I said, you need to reread it.

And you don’t have to go through silvermoon because it has a harbor.

You saying they are traveling through Silvermoon to get there is headcanon.

Because he marched his army through hundreds of miles of dry land before he got to that point and had the power to freeze a path to there.

That’s one silly question.

They just aren’t there anymore.


We’ve seen in 8.2 they still have a deep hatred of them.

And any of the visiting elves could be one of them.

All I said is it shows they where treated like crap. It’s shown they where.

No I’m not. I’m saying they are a different types.

That’s all Allied Races are, different varieties of the same thing.

Orcs without Fel Taint are not a new/separate race.

Blood Elves dipped in Void are not a new/separate race.

Tauren with a Blessing are not a new/separate race.

Draenei with light infused are not new/separate race.

You totally missed my arguments.

Blood Elves and High Elves are not interchangeable. They have major differences that make them desirable to play.

You say this but at the same time you amount to everything the Blood Elves have done/experienced to nothing/meaningless to try and paint them more similar to High Elves.

A lot of the anti crowd do this because all they care about is “Pretty Elf”.

That’s a term that was invented in these threads. They are simply known as High Elves and Blood Elves.

We use Thalassian Elf to clarify similar origin. It’s not an ingame termanology.

This doesn’t matter. And we know their relation to it is different.

They don’t. Just similar.

They will look more different once they get a unique player model.

Same capabilities as Humans too. That’s not defining.

Doesn’t matter at all.


I’m gonna let this here.


Daed meem.

Both characters involved in these have done character 180s already for no reason otehr than to further paint “Horde bad” while sacrificing established story.

None of this makes sense in what Drede talks about.

I wonder if her means Quel’thalas and is using Silvermoon interchangeably.

Thats not a reason. Let us remember when we argued the politics of Silvermoon and you told me because there was no updates it had to still be a thing…remember?

Its a two-way road.

We’ve only seen the Silver Covenant since dominant High Elf appearances since Cata. So we cannot fully claim this either, because there were high elf pilgrims who actively went with Auric.

Very debatable. Especially when most are Alliance.

Its the language, which is why all three of the Silvermoon elves fit in it. Its a language group; not a culture group.

Which isnt much, because the plotline was dropped and never mentioned again…like the mana addictions.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 52 days.

Oh yay! This one is back now! Thank you to the mods!


I am totally for playable alliance high elf waifus!


Personal twitter account; my opinions are my own.


High elf thread is like the Terminator. It’ll always be back.

Onwards to victory, quel’dorei!


Should I even bother to post my list?

I’m pretty sure everyone’s seen the current one as the constant locking keeps me from updating it.

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The Quel’dorei prevails


Well this time we have a lot more posts to get through before it gets locked permanently!


May we not waste them with naysayers.


I much rather see the thread with like 10-20 per day but with just ideas, brainstorming, art and new people giving support than 1000 posts per day but all of that just being a endless back and forth between both sides.

By the way, awesome that this continuation thread is on again! The GD is safe once again.


I agree, it’s pointless going in the same circles and I’d rather stay positive.


if any nay-sayers come to disrupt us, simply ignore them. cooler heads prevail.


I’ve been somewhat swamped with homework, but I may be able to make more progress on my high elf drawing tonight.

They might get to us quickly but atleast they get to us. Shout out to the mods!

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