Hiding in bushes

It would be neat if bushes provided a stealth mechanic for players. This is probably a wpvp/battleground thing but would provide a little bit being able to hide/ambush that’s not possible atm. They could even incorporate it into pve/delves in some form, although I can see people not liking to have to wait for a strong mob to pass by. But for PVP it might be a bit more fun being able to pull off a ambush.


Everyone will Race Change to one of the short races.

Blizzard loves money.

Druids get 2 forms of stealth? Cat AND trees? Yes plz.

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How does a Tauren hide in a cherry tree?

He paints his hooves red!


You are Nelf, you get 3!


Plunderstorm would like a word.

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You could play a rogue. :man_shrugging:

If it’s good enough for Fork Knife then it’s good enough for WoW

Also there are a couple quest scenarios here and there where you have to hide in or behind a bush. But there’s nothing special about those other than “click on the object to continue”.

True. Shadowmeld is pretty awesome. It seems to working less reliably these days though. So it’s ‘maybe stealth, maybe you get eviscerated anyways’ roulette.

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Oh my, look at these huge not-round cloven cherries! How un-suspicious!
Tra la la!


Open world RPG elements like environmental stealth would be stellar. It might be a bit immersion breaking for a Tauren to suddenly become invisible when standing in a tiny bush, but I can live with it!

What’s the harm? It would be cool and wouldn’t infringe on anyone’s gameplay!

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I have found that using the bush hiding tactic while standing in the middle of the road doesnʻt really work all that well.

In battlegrounds bushes don’t give you stealth but they can make you a much less obvious target in the chaos of battle, especially against people who have opponent health bars turned off.

Its a interesting idea but it would be a lot of triggers to add to the world. If you made specific ones I think they would stick out to much.

Its a interesting idea… one I like but I can’t see it being done till wow gets a new engine

Stop Moo’ing

It would be a cool mechanic in battlegrounds to automatically turn off the nameplates and names of players in bushes or obscured by an object.

Would make it much more strategic and challenging to win. Imagine getting the drop on someone completely unawares!

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You know my mind went other places before I read the rest of this topic.

Only if it also applies to my herbouflage.