Hide Sunfury orbs?

Is there a way to hide the ugly Sunfury orbs hoving over my head?


Nope. I was hoping for a glyph to tone them down, but for now, we’re stuck with them. They are pretty obnoxious.


What I don’t get is they knew from legion people would get sick of them quick and didn’t learn a damn thing from having to put a hide option in back then…


Feels like an easy glyph fix…


Especially for arcane, just looks ugly. I was hoping the Sunfury phoenix would be more purple if youre specced into arcane. Would rather have them both gone.


You could switch to Spellslinger (the fun Arcane mage spec) instead. We don’t have orbs.


The Legion Felo’melorn orbs were 1000000x better than this eyesore.

These orbs aren’t even properly anchored to your character, they actually hover behind the character model and as you move they lag even further.

They should delete Rondurmancy, make 3 orbs baseline, and put in a glyph for the felo’melorn orbs with the Legion Dalaran NPC allowing you to turn them off if you don’t like it.


Bro, apologize to Spellfrost Teaching right now! You hurt his feelings! :laughing::rofl:

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Here to bump and agree. It really irritates me to have floaty extra stuff hovering around my character’s head.


Maybe it’s because I’ve played destruction warlock for years but it doesn’t bother me all that much. I agree that the orbs could have been better animated but the current ones really aren’t that bad. But that’s no reason not to have a glyph or an option to disable them if players want it, I am all for player choice. That said, I every much doubt something like this is a priority for them rn.

I wish, I hate them. I also need more arcane, less fire in the animations.


They don’t scale so it’s not so bad for larger characters but for gnome-sized characters they are a huge blob of orbs above your head. Opposite of the familiar which does scale with character size and what I wish was larger.


Bumping this because I hate the orbs. My arcane mage isnt a Kael’thas cosplayer and the orbs clash with her mog. Just taking spellslinger instead right now but it’d be nice to actually play the spec that performs well without it making me hate how my character looks.


I got to say once I got 4-piece tier with the added chance of full charges coming from barrage, spellslinger came alive! I already loved it, but with the tier set it sings.

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Bump. Forget the glyph, Legion devs included an NPC who gave players the option to turn orbs on/off at will, right in the mage class hall, no hoops or obstacles. Make it a thing again please.


I read that on the PTR the orbs will be “centered to the chest” once the 20th anniversary patch hits. No idea what that means… I’m also up for a minimizing of them.

I don’t really care for them either tbh

That change won’t make the people who hate the orbs happy. All it does is fix the fact that they’re slightly off kilter right now, it will only center them better by anchoring them to the exact middle of your character model’s mesh.

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I wish they would give us an option to have the old Felo’melorn orbs. Those looked great I thought.

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I’m going to say it.
I think they look goofy.
I am not a fan of the whole floating orbs aesthetic. They look jarringly asian, and I prefer european high fantasy.

Cartoonish… that’s what it is. They look cartoonish to me.