Hide Pants option please

You heard me. Give me the option to hide my pants like I can hide everything else. There’s no reason to not have it, especially when you can take your pants off.


Nope. Never gonna happen


Only for males. Female no pants will be replaced with fruit related pajamas of their choice.


Females need full body coverings as to not be offensive.


uhhh oops…


This is an absurd request. Next you’ll ask that Blizzard give us the ability to just remove our pants and walk around pantsless in-game.


Or even show us pantsless in the Trading Post when you look at items.


Blizzard would never stoop to pushing such low moral standards!


I can see them adding this, with the concession that you can’t do it if you hide chest or have a chest piece that does not go past the waist. Some mogs, especially the holiday ones, are a bit of an issue as the full suit is the chest slot but some pants clip through the pants part of the suit.

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hey now… one step at a time lol

Every armor type but leather already had transmog available that was more revealing than the default underwear. Now that we have the blood troll transmog, EVERYBODY has transmog that is more revealing than the default underwear.

True, but that is assuming everyone has one. They all have access to one (or can get one) but that does not mean they have it, like with the Blood Troll Tmog, what if someone did not max out their tender activities for the month.

Keep in mind, the argument of “we have more revealing pants options then the default underwear” could also be a reason why we don’t have the option to hide pants anyway.

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True, they’ll come up with any excuse. Shaaaameful

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I would count my blessings and be glad that Blizz has been tapping the breaks on things like turning paintings into fruit bowls. We can already see eleven out of 31 erogenous zones with ease (a few more with slutmogs). Be glad we are not forced to be totally covered head to toe w/o only our eyes visible.

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I approve this request.



This reminds me. I started playing in the beginning of wrath. An undead lock. I saw what I later realized as rogues and warriors running around without robes. I didn’t like having to wear a robe, and these guys didn’t have one so I unequipped my chest slot. All the way to around level 40 when I did my first dungeon and was doing horrible dps (not from not having a chest piece) and needing on plate, axes, bows, anything I could. Because I thought greed sounded like I was being greedy so I just hit need on everything. I then got ripped for sucking and the tank said “he doesn’t have a chest piece and he’s using an a melee trinket”.

The days of being a scrubnoob


Especially with more chestpieces and tabards lately that extend partway down the leg, I find it less and less reasonable to keep “hide pants” away. It works well enough with a fair handful of looks now in a way that isn’t just “haha naked”. So go for it.

I had a character for a bit that just didn’t wear pants because it worked well with the transmog.

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Yes please.

For those of us who love old-school fantasy, the modern fantasy genre was founded on barely-clothed characters in barbaric settings.

Conan, Pellucidar, Tarzan, Barsoom, etc.

Or even going back to ancient Greek legends.


They’re actually going to be introducing high-res versions of the AQ robes soon, according to a post I saw on Icy Veins. Meanwhile, the original ones only look like hot garbage because there are no pants available for transmog that are invisible beneath them, or that at least complement them. Blizz has ignored suggestions on this topic, and literal begging and pleading, for what feels like forever.