Hide Pants Is The Best Feature Ever!

Just wait till some random chick decides to sue blizzard with some, well…. , allegations, so she doesn’t have to work. They will change it


Oh I just had to


woah this statement.

alright buddy.


We’re an American band, we come to your town
Four young Chiquita’s in Omaha
These fine ladies had a plan
We’ll help you party down


buddy, thus us a no singing zone.

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lol sorry i missed the sign

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sorry is not enough for this insidious action.

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Yes it is because I mention Omaha - an exclusion that is approved

So happy hide pants is a thing now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I too have freed some of my characters from pants tyranny

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i wish my brother would stop thinking the same
just put some pants on lol

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I beg your pardon?


You’re quoting Grand Funk, you have a hall pass for a couple days, bud. You can get closer to your home of rock and roll.


Can I use it for Journey and the Eagles?


I’ll suspend my Dude comment on the eagles because they’re legit a solid band, just take it easy on quoting them, ok? :upside_down_face:


The Eagles are most awesome I am a new boy in town and I’m staying at the Hotel California for at least a ny minute also a shout out to my bud - Joe Walsh keep keeping on Im still very much on a mountain high


Journey has some solid cuts from all over their catalog. This is a bit more in line with Grand Funk:


Yes, mother. :woman_kneeling:

Lol saw them in SF Im not a space man so awesome , I have a drum stick from their performance.
thank you steve and ross who kicked to the fans

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My aunt grew up in same town as him, Hanford area CA. Legend has it he got detention a lot (truancy and such) and as punishment they made him clean out grain silos. So he could sing to himself and the amazing acoustics in their - all the reverb so he could hear himself - allowed him to fine tune his croon. Dude is like a more modern version of Sam Cooke in a lot of ways.

I really liked that line up. Greg’s voiced meshed well with Steve’s but Steve solo - with Cain and Schon backing him up - is great, too.

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indeed such a great band - forever in our hearts just a small town band that goes on and on with sweet perfume

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