Off-hand items are just decorations. They are not weapon and they don’t have animations.
Please just allow us to hide them:)
Off-hand items are just decorations. They are not weapon and they don’t have animations.
Please just allow us to hide them:)
I think there are some off-hand mogs that hide when sheathed, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Wish there was a way to just hide sheathed weapons in general, like how the Covenant back piece mogs do.
A lot of them disappear when sheathed. I want to completely hide the item.
I see, fair request. Sadly the only invisible weapon in game is the Monk handwraps, though hopefully it will be a thing for other weapon types one day.
I’d like the option to hide any slot at any point that I want— including any weapons I want!
And technically there are costumes that severely alter our characters already in game
/nods sagely
Mmm. Yes. I agree with invisible off-hands.
/points into the distance
Is that a one armed Worgen over there??
use a staff
problem solved
Now, now. Whether thine eyes count two, one or none, 'tis rude to stare.
If only those would drop once in a while.
Hiding all slots should be an option at this point. We don’t need pants or weapons showing.
I also think that casting weapons should look more prominent when casting.
A hide option would be very nice. I’d also love a jewelry option for an off-hand.
I wish we could add them. I don’t care what the animation looks like…
Just mog it to a lantern or torch
And if we’re talking off hand weapons there are some fist weapons like brass knucks that are pretty small
I love the Spring Gadget. Not too big of a deal but it stores kind of weird on your waist, when not in combat.
There’s an off-hand toolbox, seen on Mechagon Island that looks amazing, too!
Why hide it when you can transmog it into a Frying Pan?
if you are a monk there are options that are literally invisible i can mog any wep into invisible using