Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

Lets have a discussion.

How would this

A ) make someone safer, when you can post on lvl 10 alts with hidden profiles

B ) not make things worse, because the more anonymous people are, the more they troll

Notice how the people wanting this arent actually having a discussion. Just making blanket statements, never backing them up?


i’m not even necessary for it but it being in overwatch sure is interesting

Its not on the Overwatch forums.

Now once again.

Would you like to have a discussion?


Just like the Overwatch forums. If Nelfas wants the WoW forums to be like the OW forums I can agree to that. Battletag posting just like the OW forums. Yep. Also good with having just one user name/server that we can post with. Just so long as it is a single “forum identity” that does not change constantly.


we are just stop nit picking

feels unsafe posting on the forums

almost 1500 post count



You didn’t respond to any questions about key features of this request.

How will this make a person safer vs what we have now. Specifically.

And since we know it will in rease trolling, why would that be worth it?

Let’s discuss. please do not detail the topic


You don’t own your Battlenet account, Battletag, WoW Characters, items, stats, or anything else. You have no expectation of privacy within WoW, or on the WoW forums when it comes to your game data, or anything you type/say.

Might want to read the EULA.

But you know all that I suspect. None of the things you want to “protect” are yours.

Your real name is - and nobody (recently) has suggested that ever be shared or shown.


I often wonder how the new generation would have reacted to phone books back in the day…


Well to be fair. No one is seriously worried about privacy. Its all just a front for trolling.


in the context of how it was pitched for stremers it can help with stream sniping
but the down side that we all know the trolling potential of it in a forum seting i’m not excusing that

Please expand on this.

Is someone streaming their forum posts? Are we worried about forum post sniping?

What benefit does it give, within that context…compared to being on a lvl 10 with a hidden profile.


Back from your break with an another Anonymous thread?

You can search the forums, by using the basic search function, to show your post history.

Same for the armory. That is public, and belongs to Blizzard, not you.

All you need is the character name and server

How about not be so toxic to others…

From what I understand, not for long. We can already see your post history. They are saying Classic player are gonna have an armory or plugged into the current one.


Well I’ve met a few people that are… but they also talk to aliens. So there is that.


Hide all you want Nelfas, but both of these toons are on perma ignore now. Making your profile private only takes a couple of more seconds.

Consider yourself “safe”.


There’s honestly more credibility there than anything the average forum troll possesses. :sweat_smile:


These threads are like burglars asking for locks to be illegal.


what you mean ? Can you elaborate please?

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Right after you elaborate on the extra benefits this gives, compared to what you have right now.


We need something between the anarchy, wild west style alt fiesta we’ve got now, and the “everybody RealID” thing they tried a long time ago.

I like being able to post as my WoW character, but every post should also have a battle tag attached to it. Or, if you don’t want people knowing your battletag, a unique ID number that is always the same from alt to alt.

There’s really no benefit to letting habitual bad-faith posters access unlimited anonymity with just one account.