Hide LUA? Help!

Is there a way to hide these LUA errors?

/run if GetCVar(“ScriptErrors”)==“1” then SetCVar(“ScriptErrors”,“0”);print(“Show LUA Errors: Off”);else SetCVar(“ScriptErrors”,“1”);print(“Show LUA Errors: On”);end

Thank you, however, it doesn’t seem to work when I use it. The LUA window stays open.

Once you toggled it on, did you try relogging?

Yeah. I even closed out the entire game and re-started it.

Hrm, that’s new. I’ve had no issues.

The only other thing I can think of is making sure you keep checking for addon updates.

Which I know isn’t much help :frowning:

turn off your broken addons?


Go find some other forum to bother, necro-troll.

OP: also see if Advanced Interface Options is updated. If not and you’re using it, turn it off for now and then try hiding the LUA errors again.


THe post is 32 mins old. LUA errors are usually addons? who’s the troll BE scum?

You’ve done nothing but necro two year old threads all afternoon. And now you come in here with an inane comment. Not surprising.

Lua errors are important to let you know something is wrong. Should only be turned off for people that have tried everything but still need to keep what they have.