"Hide Bottom" For Robes

With the loosened transmog restrictions coming into play, I would like to request something Cloth wearers may or may not be interested in.

“Hide Robe” or “Hide Bottom”
I don’t know how this could be implemented, but I made another thread due to something similar (Asking for “less robes” overall for Cloth: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/cloth-armor-why-purely-robes/153227)

Essentially, it could be used to simply cut a Robe off at the belt line.
As it stands, every piece of Cloth that comes out for casters now is a heavy, lengthy robe.
What’s wrong with wanting to look more like Khadgar and be more “adventure-ready”, instead of “I’m gonna stay in and study these books in my bath robe” kind of spell-caster?

The robes these days limit our transmog options severely, covering up all of our pants and feet options to the point where, if you haven’t noticed, some of the boots aren’t even given any detail anymore by the art team because they’re never seen anyway.

Could we perhaps make this happen?


I don’t play a caster, but I fully support this.

+1 from this Dwarf.

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I’m onboard. I have a few casters and I’ve always wondered why there aren’t more options for robe less cloth outfits. The ones I’ve found either in game or even on a google search just aren’t that appealing to me personally. Not to mention some races just look weird with robes, like male draenei. :slight_smile:


They also need to add more cloth boots and Pants that look decent. Most of them are made with robes in mind and are pretty much just a spray painted color on your legs.


There are many Transmog options if you loathe the robes.

I agree. Robes are not fun to fight in. Get creative.

I put mine together over time specifically because I hate robes, and wanted a black outfit without robes.

The search for a robeless outfit eventually got me to an outfit that I love, and rarely change.


Also, tuck-in option please. Some robe tops would pair better with pants :kissing_heart:

Seems like a Hide Bottom would look kind of silly any many cases. Why not just transmog your chestpiece? The chestpiece can be hidden in the next patch.

Always a fan of tmog options!


Folks requesting the hidden bottoms for their robes are generally requesting it for the robes that have the side slits at the hips. Think those voodoo robes and the AQ dresses.


While on this topic, I really really want to see more leg options besides “pants” and “ankle length robe.”

Where are my skirts at blizzard? I desperately need some cute skirts


I do too :3


While they’re at it add some decent options for cloth boots. 95% of cloth boots are those skinny leg hugging NOTHINGS that are called boots.

I hate them so very much.


Yesss I 100% support this!

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How else will we “KILL THE ONE IN THE DRESS!” :stuck_out_tongue:



Edit - whoops didn’t mean to reply to you.

I don’t care if it looks janky on some sets, it should be allowed.

Same goes for hair clipping on helmets. Pandaren look bloody weird without their hair.


We also need a 'hide pants" option when wearing a full length robe.
Some robes are totally ruined by having ugly pants showing through the side slits.
As long as pants cannot be hidden the only option to look good in most slit robes is to not wear pants at all.

That wouldn’t solve the problem, unless we’re talking recent additions where the pants have some 3d attachments slapped on. You’d just have your skin poking through.

On another note: Make the hide armor options a menu toggle again. Tying it to the mog vendor was a stupid decision.

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Must be nice to have boots at all I guess…


This is why I have my casters mostly void elves and keep them in heritage. Tired of the stupid robes.