Hide both chat box AND line

I have a macro that hides the chat boxes and panes, but the actual chat “line,” that long, thin space where my text appears when I type it, is always there whether I’m using it or not. Kind of annoying, anyone know how to hide it or make it fade out when not in use?

Might we see the macro?

By default (without addons, macros etc.) the chat edit box hides when you press enter/escape after typing in some text.

Yeah, I remember it used to do that for me even without having to hide the rest of the chat box, but now it just sticks around at all times. See macro below.

/run _CHATHIDE=not _CHATHIDE for i=1,NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do for _,v in pairs{"",“Tab”}do local f=_G[“ChatFrame”…i…v]if _CHATHIDE then f.v=f:IsVisible()end f.ORShow=f.ORShow or f.Show f.Show=_CHATHIDE and f.Hide or f.ORShow if f.v then f:Show()end end end

If you run
/run ChatFrame1EditBox:Hide()
And the the edit box is still displayed then you probably had an addon that has replaced/hooked it’s .Hide method.

I’m assuming we’re talking about the whole editbox display when you refered to the “line” in your OP.

Yes, the entire graphic for the editbox. I could have sworn it used to go away when not in use, but not anymore.

I don’t use any add-ons or any other third party software. Should have mentioned that before, sorry.

Maybe try

/run ChatFrame1EditBox.Hide = ChatFrame1.Hide

to give it a new hide method in case the old one has been replaced or hooked.

No, that doesn’t appear to do anything. No change.

To reset all the chat windows to their default settings you can

/run FCF_ResetAllWindows()
and Accept on the popup.

If you do this without running your macro the editbox should only show once you pressed Enter etc.

If that doesn’t work then exit the game and rename your _wowversion_\Interface folder to something else and re-start, because I would be surprised if there wasn’t something lurking there.

You can always exit, delete the new \Interface folder that will be created and rename the old one back.