Hidden MMR

Really annoying getting on an alt character with a raing of less than 100 and go up against 2k while im in blues. We need to be able to see the hidden mmr, no reason to hide it if its just going to get shown at the end of a match. That system is stupid and the mmr needs to be shown along with the rating

its not hidden mmr its inflation also if you played last season sum mmr carrys over and its legit last week of the season so you have MONTHS of inflation

inflation is what keeps the r1s and multi glads away from lower end of the bracket would you rather it not be a thing?

also is this from SS or arena

me reading this thread

I’m leaving every Solo Shuffle game I go into with 2k players in it. I’m literally 0 rating on my priest alt

Well, then you’re going to be leaving a lot because it doesn’t reduce your mmr and starter mmr is 1850.

Well at least I made the dps wait another 30 mins for a que, maybe they will pick up a healer instead and share in the pain

Nope. I have all day. My basement is better than yours.

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