Hidden chestpiece?

How do I get this cosmetic? There’s a few cosmetics i have seen that allows you to hide some armor. Can’t find any info on how to obtain these?

You can hide everything but pants at a transmog guy or on a Yak.

Pants and weapons, that is. Monks can hide most weapons except 2h with a special transmog.

on the screen where you select the transmog there’s going to be a “no chest” option. It should be the first one, IE all the way on the top left on page 1.

There WAS a hidden chest. I’m not entirely sure anymore where you got it from, but I think it was from the old version of Hammerfall, hordeside at least.

Since you are a hunter you can get the Dragonrider mail set from the AH or island expeditions that makes it look like you are covered in tattoos and not wearing chest armor