Do the Eredar heads still drop even if you haven’t completed the Warlock campaign? Locked out of the Dreadscar at the moment cos I lost my keys so can’t advance quest chain. Wondering if it’s worth farming cos I got no way of telling if I’m eligible or not for the drops.
There are no prerequisites to getting them to drop
Cool thank you, so I can farm my little black heart out then? Wowhead droprate % says about 0.4 and below, is that correct?
Yes it takes awhile to farm them all
Any suggestions on where to farm? Is Argus the best place?
Thanks, had a look, just wanted the specifics on a few things since these guides can be a bit outdated.
I think the only requirement is to be lv 50, I just farmed all the heads on argus while doing missions there, would be the fastest way
I’d assume unlocking the weapon is imperative. Shall get to it now that the dreadscar rift is open again.
P.S Can comfirm grind is nerfed. Only took me about 30 mins to get all the heads.
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