[H][Icecrown] Recruiting ALL for DF , We're 18+ Adult Community

Who we are:
Trinity is a semi-hardcore Horde guild on US-icecrown. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 9pm-12 CST. Rebuilt in S3 Shadowlands, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on heroic progression. We’re Building a 2nd Team for DF, It will be a weekend team. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always aim to get AoTC and work our way through mythic + the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

Druid ( Resto / Balance / Feral / Guardian ) - in that order needed
Hunter ( Ranged Pref)
Mage ( Any )
Warlock ( Any )
Shaman ( Resto / Elemental / Enhancement ) Windfury Totem Highly Needed
Priest ( Shadow / Holy = Disc )
Death Knight (Unholy =Frost / Blood)
Monk ( MW / WW / Brew ) in that order needed
Rogue ( Outlaw / Assassin = Sub ) in that order needed
Warrior (Fury = Arms / Prot )
Demon Hunter (Havoc > Vengeance )
Paladin (Holy / Ret / Prot )

  • We are always open to exceptional players of all Classes / Roles.

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 9-12 CST
Thursday, 9-12 CST
Invites start 8:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

Look forward to hearing from you! Contact info: GM - Disocrd :Toxicity#6897 Bnet: Astrelles#1444 Recruiter - Discord: BJB#0407 Bnet: Devill#11943, check us out