Hibernate/Soothe Macro

Will this Macro work? I’m too undergeared to really test it, lol.

#showtooltip Hibernate
/cast [target=mouseover,mod:alt] Soothe; [target=mouseover] Hibernate;Hibernate

I’d like to combine Hibernate and Soothe into a mouseover macro to save space. If it does work or if there is anyway to improve it (but just these two spells) I’d appreciate the input.

/cast [mod:alt,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:alt] Soothe; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Hibernate

I find you get more use out of combining Soothe and Nature’s Cure/Remove Corruption.


Appreciate the input but I’m really using this for pvp so I can just use essentially one key bind to sleep druids and hunter pets and wipe rage effects off warriors.

Do you think the macro will work in that format?

My variant won’t cast Hibernate, so no?

First macro in my post is what you asked for.