Hi everyone,
When Classic hit almost five years ago, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to do it. After all, I had seen the content before. But I rolled a new hunter and ended up never looking back. Well, I do log into retail once every couple of months or so and have yet to see anything that would cause me to come back.
I remember a time when the Scarlet Crusade forum was hopping and every time you checked it, there were new posts. But now I look at the forum and see that the most recent post was five days ago, from someone who just rolled a new character.
Is anyone from the early days of Wow still around? From when Scarlet Crusade was new and shiny? Or has everyone gone off to other things now? Is the retail community basically dead now?
Looking forward to hearing from other old-timers.
Edit: I accidentally posted with my Classic character. I was Palvagra/changed to Palvarosa on Scarlet Crusade. I can’t figure out how to change the posting after the post is already up.
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I remember Palvarosa. No, though. Scarlet Crusade was barely a RP server anymore even ten years ago. People left for WrA and Moon Guard as long ago as Cataclysm and never looked back. I still remember a lot of the people here though.
Well, that’s disappointing. It’s kind of sad to think that I can find more Scarlet Crusade old timers in Classic than on the actual server. Thanks for the response!
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It’s kind of funny I was about to post about the Troll Run and saw this post and saw Trilink! (/waves). There’s still some people who do log onto alts on the server or just never left, but for the most part, people trickled off.
I do occasionally see Scarlet Crusade people around, and occasionally saw them on the early days of Classic before I played on Horde more often, yourself included, but with it moving into Cataclysm, I don’t think that will be the case as often.
If you’re wanting to play Horde Side with some of the same people the Horde community is stronger on WrA, and Alliance side it’s stronger on Moon Guard, but there’s a handful of people who pick one over the other and cross server events, and so on.
It’s always nice to see your name! I think of you every time people complain about the Gnomes getting gunned down by the Horde. 
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I’m still around; been here since day one(ish)
I remember you too.
I would set this as my realm on the forums, but I don’t know how. I’m not sure why Proudmore is my set realm. I don’t think I ever had a character on there.
I was one of the original Scarlet Crusaders, having rolled Ro Karn when the server was freshly made. I left the game shortly after Mists was announced as the next expansion, when I realized that the extent of my game play was logging in, doing cooking and fishing dailies and logging back out.
When I returned to the game, “just” prior to the Legion prepatch, I was really disappointed to find so many of the RP servers were now ghost towns, so I found my way over to Wyrmrest Accord, where there is still not a whole lot of RP going on.
With the introduction of the Warband feature however, the ability to support all of my toons cross servers, it has breathed new life into these characters. Now I can continue the Cloudfeather story and ON Scarlet Crusade!
Ro Karn fell in Northrend, attempting to avenge Saurfang the Younger, but he died vindicated in knowing that he had been right about the Forsaken, but the tribe needed to continue. The title of Chieftain passed to young Jarro Karn, Ro’s son, and a fledgling to the ranks of the new arm of Sunwalkers to Thunder Bluff.
while the levels have come rather quickly, it has been fun playing on Scarlet Crusade again, knowing that it “is” Scarlet Crusade. My friends list is very small, and I don’t even recognize some of the names on it, and many of the names that I’d recognize from the golden age of this server are no doubt long gone, but I have returned, and with the new means of being able to support my lower pop PC’s, I have no intentions of leaving again.
Hi Dravinna,
I do remember your name! It’s nice to see one of the originals is still around.
I play Classic these days, and a few SCers are on the Bloodsail Buccaneers server. I’ve definitely made new friends in Classic, but sometimes I still miss the old SC and the people who were around back in the day.
Sorry it took three months for me to reply! For personal reasons, I had to stay away from anything WoW (or even computer) related for a while.
As a proud, upstanding member of the Horde, I should make the attempt to be there when the gnomes invade Orgrimmar. Whether it’s on Classic or Retail, I just cannot allow those pests to sully our lovely city!
It’s a quiet little server forum! I don’t check them often either myself!
I do play on Bloodsail/another server sometimes, but I don’t play very much right now because I went back to school. I sometimes pop on to see if I see anyone I know and then run off, haha. I think SC was a unique scene back in the day compared to any other server, and I definitely miss the vibe of it.
Hi Gttnjgywitit,
Your name is quite familiar.
My classic hunter is now a goblin. But in retail, I’m still an orc and I don’t want to pay for the race change on a toon I rarely play anymore.
Sorry for the late reply. Apparently, I started this reply but didn’t actually send it. Well, here it is now!
Still about…leveling away…roaming lands and remembering friends. Been ages, but still remember folks.
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