Hi, I have returned and I have decide to give healing a try for the first time since Cata, Need help and advice

Hello fellow players and healer,

  Like title says, I have mainly played DPS (from vanilla and the first 2 xpan it was a mage, then in Cata i dabbled with Pally, all three specs. This was my only try at healing). And I only heals as a Pally for about 3 months on raids. I wasnt bad, at least I was good enough that I was on main Raid group at the time. Anyways, Alot has changed since then. And, I am wanting a change from DPS or at least as a main character. I am looking at 3 healing classes, I need your help and advice about the 3. 1) Evoker, I like the Idea as a whole, from race to idea of what the class is. Doesnt make it a good class to play. So, how is it on heals? How would it be for a totally newbie healer? I like to learn, I am not scare of a challenge. 2) Monk, again love the idea of the class. and 3) Shaman, again class idea is great. Which would you suggest to a new learning healer? I am not asking for you to pick my class, but I also dont want to start just throwing darts at a wall to pick and end up spending days on a class that is wrong (I dont me for me perse. No one can know that, not even me until I try it).

Thank you for taking your time and helping me out. I am also on Stormrage, Ally side looking for a home guild that would like a up and coming healer, and might even be willing to help train. Just add me on battle.net (Khtus#1334) friends or Discord (muaddib9669) .

I tried healing once, Once. :smiley:

Healing was fine, once I got used to targeting party members. Parties, not so much. I got tired of the unpredictability of random groups.

So I am of little help, and I hope you get an answer from a more experienced healer.

It Is Known that Holy Priest and Resto Shaman are the friendliest healers to start with, because they are the most reactive: 1. Someone Takes damage. 2. You heal it. Simples.

However, expecially for someone who already basically knows the game, it is advisable to watch a few videos on the playstyles of each so that you get a sense of what appeals to you.
