Hi Blackrock

I swear I remember Tressa from somewhere on Alliance but I can't quite remember where...
...Hirohiro, that troll rank 13/14 rogue that was TERRIBLE...
Also, hi.

Shaman, not rogue.

Are you still out there hovering in the forums, Tressa?

Also, hi.
11/03/2012 10:06 AMPosted by Teukli
I swear I remember Tressa from somewhere on Alliance but I can't quite remember where...

I was in TDM for like 5 years. I trolled and ganked a lot.

...Hirohiro, that troll rank 13/14 rogue that was TERRIBLE...
Also, hi.

Shaman, not rogue.

Are you still out there hovering in the forums, Tressa?

Also, hi.

There's a comma in there that indicates a pause in speaking or in thought. Yes, I know Hirohiro was a Troll, but there was some troll rogue as well that was 13/14 and was HORRIBLE at pvp.

Also, Typhoid, I remember you. Weren't you that femorc rogue I led to a chest with a Travellers Backpack in it in EPL back in like 2005?
I swear I remember Tressa from somewhere on Alliance but I can't quite remember where...

I was in TDM for like 5 years. I trolled and ganked a lot.

Shaman, not rogue.

Are you still out there hovering in the forums, Tressa?

Also, hi.

There's a comma in there that indicates a pause in speaking or in thought. Yes, I know Hirohiro was a Troll, but there was some troll rogue as well that was 13/14 and was HORRIBLE at pvp.

Also, Typhoid, I remember you. Weren't you that femorc rogue I led to a chest with a Travellers Backpack in it in EPL back in like 2005?

Ya this was my priest's name when I was on Alliance as a Human Priest.
I left around the time of ToC to Horde. I was guilded as Armoured Fury for most of my time on Alliance I think.
lol Kleavs guild. They were pretty much the laughing stock of BR Alliance. Behind Cows Go Moo, of course.
Server absolutely died off in Wrath when cross-realm transfers plagued it. Cross-realm transfers/zoning/dungeons has !@#$ed -everything- to be fair though.


Sorry Tressa.

Here's a few random Blackrock Vanilla screenshots:

http://i.imgur.com/YZdST.jpg (8+ Warlock WSG)
http://i.imgur.com/zJPuy.jpg (Farm team vs Inquisition Game 1, much !@#$talking ensued about game length on IRC after)
http://i.imgur.com/Vx41S.jpg (Some time around AQ40 opening?)
vF parries, Stubba, TDM wiping to Medio? on the BWL orb, AQ gong drama, Kavita & her bow of searing arrows. Booty and OUTNUMBERED, Iced, Eminence cascading MC, Quit Squad, Inquitsition, Hirohiro, that troll rank 13/14 rogue that was TERRIBLE, TAKE THAT MEDIO, Lancel, etc etc etc.

Also, hi.

I've been asking this question for years, and I really don't know why, even the great oracle faxmoney is stumped. Who was the first HWL shaman on BR?!? I know that it was a female orc but I can't remember for the life of me.

EDIT: Thanks for the screenies Japes, I have TONS myself, but only one favorite, I'll post it up when I can find it in the 4gig of screenies I've collected over the years.
Oh and Hi!!

Also, for you nostalgia freaks out there I present to you a screenshot that sums up vanilla.

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Enjoy!


Colacat first orc fem hwl
Yeah pretty confident it was Colacat - or was that some kind of World PVP reward thing? Can't recall.

I ended up Rank 12 and that was a nightmare of a grind. Stopped when Geef got HWL.
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Colacat won that tabard for being 1st HWL on server. Yeah this server went to !@#$ when server transfers opened up and ever man and his inbred daughter flocked to it.

COLACAT!!! omg ><

Thanks so much guys, I've been wondering that for WAY too long!
Sup all. This is/was Yetaxman from Alliance. I don't expect many (possibly anyone) to remember me but I do remember a lot from the early days on Blackrock alliance.

Big props to all the guilds that housed me over the years - Elysium, Prodigy, Southern Cross, TDM and of course Depth who I did most my raiding with and also the recipient of their 1st legendary.

Some additional moments I remember:

Emi getting beat to the gong for the AQ opening
The 8pm Razorgore lag as there were 123123143453 guilds doing it at the same time
SS v TM - getting ganked endlessly at Southshore by Iced <3
Sakurachan's Xena warcries on Ventrillo. Also having to sing for 8 piece tier 2 on vent.
The numerous times I would get tangled up with Madsniper and the hundreds of shared emotes between each other in Shattrath. <3 bro
Killing Kazzak and NDC corpse camping us so we could not loot the corpse.
Alot of the players I had a chance to meet with in Brisbane (mainly at the stinky old net cafes in the city Bunker and Cyberlounge) - Samaria Fonzy Damadar Baradun Biffin Veevee Becadx Mjolnir Moochoo Treaved and of course all the Depth meet ups we had. Some real fun nights in there.

Its unfortunate the way the server has died off but those kind of memories will always stick.

Totally doesn't make sense now but BLACKROCK IS FULL GTFO!

Pz out

- Tax
By the way I think that tabard mentioned is one from the player with most HKs just before BSs were released. From memory it was an undead rogue (I'm hopeless with names) but I'm quite sure the Contest Winners Tabard or whatever had nothing to do with HWL at all
Greetings sirs.
if i c u in dun morogh u smashT s0n.

http://jasonlcurby.com/oldr.png - For Teh Win
Greetings to Bart, <The B Team> crew, !@#$soku, Elfen Lied (VV you're still a butt munching %^-*!@), Six pack (RIP) and the old school horde twinks.

<3 Bbqueue

Edit: And Clevvi you sexy bastard
Good thread.
People who think Blackrock is dead/dying have no idea how good they have it. Try a few minutes on some of the supposed 'medium' WoW servers. My old server Stonemaul is an absolute ghost town. Blackrock is bursting with people in comparison. I don't even want to think about what the low/new servers look like if the medium ones are all as bad as Stonemaul was.
hi luke, jameson
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