[H][Hyjal]<Emotional Damage> 5/9H 9/9N Wed and Thurs 630p-830p PST AOTC/KSM..MAGE, DH and DRUIDS Highly WANTED!


Emotional Damage is looking for a few good souls to complete our raid team!! Currently we are 5/9H, many of the bosses so far have one shot first time seeing them. We have a team of around 12 to 15 people, would like to increase to around 15 to 20 consistently online for raids. See below for much needed classes/specs…

Outside of raiding, we would also love to have any players who are heavily interested in Mythic+ as we all love to do keys daily - all roles will be welcome here, including casual players who may want to try more difficult content later on. We also have plenty of members who do low to mid keys (especially on alts), normal raids and other activities! Several folks do keys even into the 20s so there is content for all skill levels.

Current Open Roles:




Bear Tank would be amazeballs…
Full Time raid tank is currently open as current tanks have high parsing dps options as well. Feel free to inquire if looking for a new home in this role…

All quality players will be considered, please provide access to logs…

Our raid times are:
Wed and Thurs from 630pm to 830pm Pacific to start the season. An extra 30 min may happen if a boss is close to being downed and all members agree to keep going.

Alt-raid (Optional & Normal)
Alt raids happen on the fly usually on weekends, will be posted in discord. So far in season 2, seen a few alt raids happen on weekends, usually Fri, Sat or Sunday evenings.

Outside of content droughts, we have people on throughout the day doing keys, mog runs, achievements, farming and other activities, and a handful of people who are always looking to do high keys and occasional events! Please feel to add and contact our GM Drag on Discord or feel free to log in on hyjal and any member can invite to guild! :slight_smile:

Contact on discord for any raid and mplus inquiries…
Please add: